ARK Arhitektura Krušec


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Arhitektura Krušec
Vrtača 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 425 1543

ARK Arhitektura Krusec 2009 Apartment building Poklukarjeva Photo Miran Kambic.jpgApartment building Poklukarjeva, designed by ARK Arhitektura Krušec, 2010

Since being founded by Lena Krušec and Tomaž Krušec in 2002, ARK Arhitektura Krušec has positioned itself as one of the most acclaimed practices in Slovenia.

Despite its compact size (only four architects), the team embodies best practices in contemporary and sustainable architecture and has developed a reputation for skillfully managing the relationship between man-made structures and natural environments.


The studio heads studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, graduating under the mentorship of professor Aleš Vodopivec. Tomaž continued his studies at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (CZ) and is now himself a lecturer at the faculty in Ljubljana.


Though in many ways restrained, works by Arhitektura Krušec rarely fail to attract attention. Their acclaimed House on Golo project (2015), for example, successfully integrates a raw concrete facade with green and flowing natural surroundings. Its design follows the tectonic layering of the terrain, with the exterior of the house coloured the same shade as the rock below it.

Their National Football Association Headquarters project (2016), made in cooperation with Studio AKKA, demonstrates a similar approach with a completely different outcome.

Other works that have brought the studio acclaim and prestigious nominations include the Farewell Chapel at Teharje Cemetery (nominated for the 2009 Mies van der Rohe Prize) and the new market in Celje (selected among 40 projects for the 2010 European Prize for Urban Public Space and shortlisted for the 2011 Mies van der Rohe Prize).

Another prominent work marked by a synergy with nature is the Celjska Koča Alpine Hotel. The building is cleverly integrated into the exposed natural plateau at the foot of a ski run.

ARK Arhitektura Krusec 2007 Celjska koča Photo Miran Kambic.jpgBuilding of the Alpine hotel Celjska koča designed by ARK Arhitektura Krušec, 2005 - 2006


Several works by Arhitektura Krušec have received the Golden Pencil Award: the House on Golo (2016), the Farewell Chapel at Teharje (2008), the Celjska Koča hotel (2007) and the Skalne Vile apartment building in Celje.

The studio's renovation of Linhart Hall at Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre earned them the prominent Plečnik Award in 2013. Though the hall was almost completely redone, the team interestingly decided to respect the existing design of its renowned author Edvard Ravnikar, to the point that the two designs are nearly identical.

Arhitektura Krušec also received the Plečnik Award for the new Faculty of Biotechnology building in 2010. The project was also nominated for the 2011 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture and the Mies van der Rohe Award.

Arhitektura Krušec's work from 2015–2017 earned them the Prešeren Foundation Award, the highest honour in the field of arts in Slovenia.

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... more about "ARK Arhitektura Krušec"
Arhitektura Krušec +
Arhitektura Krušec +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vrtača 8 +
Since being founded by Lena Krušec and Tomaž Krušec in 2002, ARK Arhitektura Krušec has positioned itself as one of the most acclaimed practices in Slovenia. +
Since being founded by Lena Krušec and Tomaž Krušec in 2002, ARK Arhitektura Krušec has positioned itself as one of the most acclaimed practices in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 425 1543 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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