Depot:Gajo Jazz Club



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Jazz klub Gajo
Beethovnova 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 425 3206

Gajo Jazz Club was founded in December 1994 by jazz percussionist Drago Gajić - Gajo and an informal circle of musicians and poets in the heart of Ljubljana as a lively cultural venue. In 16 years more than 50 live jazz TV shows and 600 jazz concerts were staged here, along with more than 200 press conferences organised for the launch of new books and CDs. Poetry and drama readings as well as classical music performances were also held there regularly.

In 2010 the venue at Beethovnova street was closed down. The activities have continued in the summer garden of the Slovene PEN Centre. In the winter time Gajo Jazz Club organised jam sessions in the Lounge Hotel Slon in Ljubljana.

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... more about "Gajo Jazz Club"
Jazz klub Gajo +
Jazz klub Gajo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Beethovnova 8 +
Gajo Jazz Club was founded in December 1994 by jazz percussionist Drago Gajić - Gajo and an informal circle of musicians and poets in the heart of Ljubljana as a lively cultural venue. +
Gajo Jazz Club was founded in December 1994 by jazz percussionist Drago Gajić - Gajo and an informal circle of musicians and poets in the heart of Ljubljana as a lively cultural venue. +
+386 / 1 425 3206 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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