Depot:Jure Pukl Quartet


Jure Pukl kvartet
Cesta II/27, SI-3320 Velenje
Phone386 (0) 41 724 441

Archival article

Jure Pukl is a promising jazz saxophone player working as a leader of his own groups and as a side-musician in many music groups of different styles and sizes – from small jazz groups (trio, quartet, quintet) to big bands (European Movement Jazz Orchestra, Fool Cool Jazz Orchestra by Izidor Leitinger, RTV Slovenia Big Band).

After studies in Maribor and Vienna, he received a scholarship to study at the Berklee College of Music in 2002–2003 (with Joe Lovano, Dave Santoro, George Garzone and others).

He has been performing throughout Europe and the Unites States, at festivals and smaller stages. Under his leadership two albums by the Virus Quintet were recorded, The Wizard (2003) and Hubschrauber (2007), both released by Goga Music. The release of his band The Long Run, playing live in concert, was made by ORF Vienna in 2008. Jure Pukl works also as a mentor at international workshops such as International Saxophone Meeting.

See also

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Jure Pukl kvartet +
Jure Pukl kvartet +
SI-3320 Velenje +
Cesta II/27 +
Jure Pukl is a promiJure Pukl is a promising jazz saxophone player working as a leader of his own groups and as a side-musician in many music groups of different styles and sizes – from small jazz groups (trio, quartet, quintet) to big bands (European Movement Jazz Orchestra, Fool Cool Jazz Orchestra by Izidor Leitinger, RTV Slovenia Big Band).RTV Slovenia Big Band). +
Jure Pukl is a promising jazz saxophone plJure Pukl is a promising jazz saxophone player working as a leader of his own groups and as a side-musician in many music groups of different styles and sizes – from small jazz groups (trio, quartet, quintet) to big bands (European Movement Jazz Orchestra, Fool Cool Jazz Orchestra by Izidor Leitinger, RTV Slovenia Big Band). Izidor Leitinger, RTV Slovenia Big Band). +
+386 / 41 724 441 +
Velenje +
SI-3320 +
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