Depot:MJ Manifesta Journal
Three years after Manifesta 3, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, which was held in Ljubljana in the summer 2000 under the topic Do You Suffer From A Borderline Syndrome? Where do YOU draw the line?, Viktor Misiano and Igor Zabel conceived the MJ Manifesta Journal. The first six issues were dedicated to the following curatorial topics: The Revenge of the White Cube?, Biennials (both in 2003), Exhibition as a Dream, Teaching Curatorship (both in 2004), Artist & Curator and Archive and Memory of the Show (both in 2005).
In 2008 the International Foundation Manifesta and the Italian publisher Silvana Editoriale reprinted the first issues in one volume and since 2009 continue to print the biannual MJ Manifesta Journal, with Viktor Misiano still as chief editor.