Hyperion Book Series

From Culture.si

Zbirka Hyperion
Kettejeva ulica 1, SI-6000 Koper

Phone386 (0) 5 627 4322

Hyperion (Zbirka Hyperion) is a book series published since 1999 by Hyperion Art Association based in Koper and run by editor Andrej Medved, a philosopher, art historian, writer, and translator who is also a fine arts curator at Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries. Among many works by Andrej Medved, an art historian study of Slovene painting and sculpture in the 1980s entitled Poetics of the Eighties in Slovenian Painting and Sculpture is just one of them. Also known as a poet, so far he has published more than twenty poetry series.

The aim of this rich and various book series is to publish in Slovenian language important yet often not yet translated authors from the fields of literature, philosophy, art theory, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and linguistics. So far, Hyperion has published translations of the works of Jean-Louis Schefer, Julia Kristeva, Georges Bataille, Émile Beneviste, William Blake, Vanja Sutlić, Umberto Eco and many others. The works of Slovene authors among others include Tomaž Brejc, Ješa Denegri, and Andrej Medved.

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Zbirka Hyperion +
Zbirka Hyperion +
SI-6000 Koper +
Kettejeva ulica 1 +
Hyperion (Zbirka Hyperion (Zbirka Hyperion) is a book series published since 1999 by Hyperion Art Association based in Koper and run by editor Andrej Medved, a philosopher, art historian, writer, and translator who is also a fine arts curator at Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries.Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries. +
Hyperion (Zbirka Hyperion) is a book serieHyperion (Zbirka Hyperion) is a book series published since 1999 by Hyperion Art Association based in Koper and run by editor Andrej Medved, a philosopher, art historian, writer, and translator who is also a fine arts curator at Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries.or at Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries. +
Založba Hyperion vodi serija knjižnih izdaj na temo umetnosti in humanistike +
+386 / 5 627 4322 +
Koper +
SI-6000 +