Louis Adamič Memorial Room

From Culture.si

Spominska soba Louisa Adamiča
Praproče pri Grosupljem, SI-1290 Grosuplje
Phone386 (0) 1 788 8774

Louis Adamic Memorial Room 2010 interior Photo Alenka Pirman.JPGThe Louis Adamič Memorial Room was established in 1956 by the Slovene Emigrant Association to commemorate his important literature contribution dealing with the social and political concerns of both his birthplace and his adopted country America

The Louis Adamič Memorial Room is housed in Praproče, the birthplace of Louis Adamič (1898–1951), a Slovene writer who spent most of his life in the USA after emigrating there in 1913 at the age of 14. Known in the United States as Adamic (a-dam'ik), his literature dealt with the social and political issues of both countries (for example, Dynamite, The Native's Return, The Eagle and the Roots).

The collections of Adamič's legacy are dispersed throughout various archives in Slovenia and the USA. The most important is the one at Princeton University (books from his own library, manuscripts and correspondence, clippings). In Slovenia, the memorial room is placed in the tower of the country mansion in Praproče, where Adamič spent his childhood.

The Louis Adamič Memorial Room was established in 1956 by the Slovene Emigrant Association. A collection consists of the copies of his books (both English language and translated into Slovenian), several issues of the Bulletin of the United Committee of the South-Slavic Americans (published by Adamič in NYC in the 1940s) as well as some personal belongings. In the mid 2010s the displayed exhibits were transferred to the Grosuplje Library due to the building's poor condition. The library holds also some of the writer's correspondence and other documentation, mostly donated by his younger brother France.

See also

External links



Spominska soba Louisa Adamiča +
45.953 +
Spominska soba Louisa Adamiča +
14.674 +
SI-1290 Grosuplje +
Praproče pri Grosupljem +
The Louis Adamič Memorial Room is housed in Praproče, the birthplace of Louis Adamič (1898–1951), a Slovene writer who spent most of his life in the USA after emigrating there in 1913 at the age of 14. +
The Louis Adamič Memorial Room is housed in Praproče, the birthplace of Louis Adamič (1898–1951), a Slovene writer who spent most of his life in the USA after emigrating there in 1913 at the age of 14. +
+386 / 1 788 8774 +
Grosuplje +
SI-1290 +
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