Moja Slovenija Magazine



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Revija Moja Slovenija
Bregarjeva 37, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 41 516 265

The monthly magazine Moja Slovenija [My Slovenia] has been published since January 2006 and is dedicated to the Slovenians living abroad. Published as a quarterly, 1500 copies are distributed free of charge to emigrant associations, umbrella organisations and communities all over the world. Articles in Slovenian and English ans Spanish deal with Slovene heritage as well as with current events and issues.

The magazine also has its e-editions, issued on a monthly basis, and a website called


Moja Slovenija magazine is a successor of Rodna gruda [Domestic soil], Magazine for Slovenes around the World which was originally launched in 1954 by the Slovene Emigrant Association. It published (photo)reports from visits to emigrants' organisations, Slovenian literature (short stories and poems), interviews, topical articles, and excerpts from political speeches, as well as obituaries.

Rodna gruda was relaunched with a new look in Summer 2004 and renamed as Slovenia.Svet [Slovenia.World], subtitled Independent Magazine for Slovenes Abroad, but lasted only till December 2005. In 2006 the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad released a public call for the publishing of a magazine, specialised for Slovenians abroad. It was won by Otroci Publishing House which conceived Moja Slovenija magazine. In 2015 a new public call with an emphasis on the web platform was published, Domus Ltd having been selected as a new publisher of the Moja Slovenia Magazine and the portal.

See also

External links