Celje Museum of Recent History

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Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje
Prešernova 17, SI-3000 Celje
Phone386 (0) 3 428 6410
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Celje Museum of Recent History was established in 1951 as a department for the History of the National Liberation War at Celje Municipal Museum. In year 1963 it became an independent cultural institution and moved into premises of former townhall of Celje (1830–1963) where is still situated today. As public museum it focuses on research, protection, documentation and presentation of movable cultural heritage of town Celje and Lower Savinjska region from the beginning of the 20th century until present times. Museums permanent exhibition called Living in Celje opened in a year 2000. It features the Diary of three generations on the first floor, how each generation lived in Celje in the course of the 20th century. On a second floor there is a reconstruction of Celjska Street as it looked in a period between World Wars. Visitors can walk through various trade shops, the market and a middle-class apartment. Museum has also permanent exhibition of Dentistry Collection that was donated to the museum by private collector Dr. Franc Štolf (1993). It started first Slovenian children's museum called ''Herman's Den'' (1995) with playroom, gallery and theatre. On invitation of japanese Hamada Children's Museum of Art, ''Herman's Den'' was presented in Japan in year 2009. Celje Museum of Recent History administers also two museum branches. Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio, Celje, with a beautiful glass parlour and all original equipment, from the end of the 19th and early 20th century. The other is Anti-Nazi memorial site Stari Pisker Prison, Celje. Name given by the locals is Old Pot. This used to be Minorite monastery, where during II. World War Nazis tortured and executed several hundred people. Program of the museum presents also temporary, art and historical exhibitions.


Celje Museum of Recent History has 17. main collections. Starting with most general historical collection of items from 18th, 19th and 20th century, it has also very specialised ones as: trade, goldsmith trade, collection of postcards, money, EMO kitchenware, arms, decorations and medals, collection of scales, posters, farewell letters, children toys and crafts. Museum also has photo and video archive, that can be wieved and studied by appointment. Especially worth to mention is Fund of Alma Karlin. It consists of 850 objects, books, drawings, sketches, photographic material and testimonies about amazing woman, world traveller, writer and anthropologist from Celje, Alma Maksimiljana Karlin(1889-1950) and her close companion Theja Schreiber Gamelin. In memory of Alma's 120 year birth anniversary in year 2009 Celje Museum of Recent History published anthology Alma's Boundaries and Margins.

Education and international cooperation

Museum puts a great effort on international educational program called School of Museology, Celje in collaboration with Museumsakademie Joanneum Graz, and Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam. In October 2009 museum hosted international museum workshop with the topic New Trends in Museology with dr. Peter van Mensch and Léontine Meijer van Mensch from Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam. Every year they organise also Summer School of Museology intended for students of humanistic studies and those that want to become museum curators. It takes place on the Slovenian coast in historical town of Piran at the Institute of Mediterranean Heritage. This year's topic was Museums and Turism. In year 2008 lecturer was Xerxes Mazda Head of Learning and Audiences at British Museum, London.

Celje Museum of Recent History is member of ICOM. With Museum of Europe in Brussels they collaborated in exhibition The European: His Story. Celje Museum is also partner in a european project Museum Sign Language Guide, education and museum guidance for people with hearing disabilities.

See also

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