Founded by[[Subart society
contacts =]]Trainstation Squat
The whole thing functions with an open-door policy towards potential users and is run by the Subart society, which serves as coordinator of the many culture producers who use the squat for various urban and non-commercial events and programmes. Some of the crews and collectives who use the Squat are the Vibe department, NKLG, Spiritual Submarine, Forestdelic, Interparty, KD quilenium, The Mor(R)ons and the Kranj Student Society. They also cooperate with the Layer House and the Rock bar Down Town, and for the purposes of the SubArt Festival, also with the local municipality.
The subcultural activities in Kranj were since 2000 based at the so-called Izbruh's Cultural Pool (Izbruhov kulturni bazen), another squatted place, at that time an indoor swimming pool. Izbruh has been hosting a range of different entertainments (concerts, theatre performances, video and film screenings) several times a week and many as festivals as well. In 2011, the club ceased to exist (though it later turned into a more commercial venue).
No new alternative space has yet been provided for the Izbruh's vivid programmes so they first squatted another place at the bank of the Sava river (called Klub Subart) and a little bit later settled at the train station storehouse. Though they squatted the place on their own, with time they have come to an agreement with the town authorities, who bought and legalised the place.
Work in progress...
Trainstation Squat has an intensive programme with over 100 events per year. The most active parts are music with about 5 regular producers creating programme in the club (that can house up to 500 people) and a music studio (bende, DJ-e in producente). The other important place is the atelje dealing with graphic arts, painting and graffiti, and also design, šivanje, sitotisk, kiparstvo and graphic workshops.
Izvajamo šolo odprtih vrat, kjer potekajo brezplačne delavnice na področju likovne umetnosti, videoprodukcije in zvočne produkcije, izobraževalna predavanja in videoprojekcije. Trenutno delamo tudi na likovnih razstavah, ki bodo vsak mesec po en teden na voljo obiskovalcem, ki želijo spoznati dela mladih kranjskih ustvarjalcev.
The third is film programme that deals with documentaries, art films in the scope of projekt Kinofobia, and also unestavlished moviemakers from Slovenia. Letos smo se odločili, da v sklopu Kinofobije organiziramo še 1. filmski festival + SubArtovem festivalu kratkega filma -TEDEN MLADIH 2015 elo študentov Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo.
There is also a skate tramp, a smaller club place with computers, a kitchen and a bar. There are also various lectures, book presentations and occasional charity event.
facilitates free activities and expression for youth of the city of Kranj
V zapuščen objekt so vložili kar precej denarja in veliko prostovoljnih ur, da so ga usposobili toliko, da v njem lahko delujejo,
ud Subart in Iniciative Kranj rab plac uporabljajo barako za svoje dejavnosti – koncerti, videoprojekcije, delavnice, predavanja, vaje glasbenih skupin – ali kot umetniški atelje.
Demolition Group. Prostor, v katerem so doslej že nastopili Kulturshock, Disco'n'Action, Korai Orom (ti se vračajo v petek, 19. aprila), čez dva tedna pa pridejo tudi utrgane jugo rock legende Let 3
Musical programme
The musical programme is as varied as the involvedf producers. There were HC bands Nina Bulatovix, Napravi mi dete and Vlasta Popić (HR) Repetitor (SR), the techno DJ Ben Long (of Space DJz, UK), Vagina Town (FR), the legendary psyhedelic band Ozric Tentacles (UK), Let 3 (HR). Knaegt (SW), Noctiferia, Demolition Group, Brkovi Omen (USA) legendarna ameriška heavy/power metal Dandelion Children The Moon Invaders so top evropski ska rocksteady reggae benVUNENY (Mostar, BiH)
Los Explosivos (Mehika)
19/04/2013 ob 23.00 - Psyquarium Vol.4 + koncert Korai Öröm (Madžarska)
Hardcore-Metal-Reggae-Crossover band from Belgrade Serbia