History of the region is quite rich. Park has 5 castles and 32 churches. In Bistrica ob Sotli big The Slovenian-Croatian peasant revolt started in 1573 with the program to abolish the nobles and start peasant state. They lost after a long fight and retributions were fierce, 3,000 peasants died in the battle, thousands of captives were hanged or publicly tortured. Special feature of Slovenian landscape are small curches on the top of nearly every hill. Beautiful pedestrian routes lead from one to another Svete Gore are especially nice to go to. Kozjansko Park succefully combines nature, heritage and culinarics.
Kozjansko Park collaborates successfully in many international development projects, and is partner in numerous European projects.
In year 2002 Phare 2000 program supported project Forming Sustainable Tourism Products and Services in Kozjansko they managed to educate and employ young local intellectuals and started promoting regional products, cultural and natural heritage.
Interreg IIIA program neighbouring program (Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary) where Kozjansko Park was partner in the project where their responsibility was to take action and protect biotic diversity of high-trunk orchards and the aesthetic value of the landscape (2003- 2007).
In Transromanica (INTERREG IIIB/CADSES, 2003-2006) aim was to establish tourist route connecting important Romanesque monuments from Slovenia through Italy, Austria and Germany. In Kozjansko Park Podsreda Castle is one of best preserved Romanesque castles in Slovenia.
LIFE Nature is an EU program that helps to fund the preservation actions for natural habitats and free-living flora and fauna. The project took 3 years, to the end of 2003. It brought along numerous improvements in preservation of cultural landscape and habitats in Kozjansko region.