Klub Menza pri koritu

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Klub Menza pri koritu
Metelkova mesto, KUD Mreža, Masarykova 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,

URIs of the form "http://www2.metelkova.org/menza" are not allowed.

Phone386 (0) 1 434 0345
Nataša Serec, Co-ordinator


See also

  • Auditorium

Type of venue: concert hall; main use: drama, puppetry, film, panel discussions, workshops, seminars; seating: 80 seats total, 60 stalls, 20 balcony; performing area: 6m W x 4m D; suspension equipment: overhead pipe grid for suspension of lighting and masking, max load 250kg; soft hangings: black and red curtains; lighting: 12-channel desk, basic concert rig; sound: 16-channel mixer, power amplifiers and loudspeakers, 10 microphones; stage equipment: 2 x television monitors, digital camera, digital video camera, video projector, screen; back stage: dressing rooms for 10 persons total; climate control: heating only, air-conditioning planned; availability: available for hire for workshops, rehearsals and performances; technical staff: sound and lighting designer, stage set worker on staff

... more about "Klub Menza pri koritu"
available for hire for workshops, rehearsals and performances +
46.056 +
Menza pri koritu +
14.517 +
concerts +, workshops +, poetry +, drama +, puppetry +, film +, panel discussions +  and seminars +
6m W x 4m D +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
A latecomer to the Metelkova mesto cultural complex, Menza pri koritu ("Canteen at the Trough") was established in 2000. +
A latecomer to the Metelkova mesto cultural complex, Menza pri koritu ("Canteen at the Trough") was established in 2000. +
Klub Menza pri koritu je večnamenski ustvarjalni prostor, ki gostuje delavnice, koncerte, pesniške večere, filmske projekcije in gledališke predstave. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +