In 1981 Kinoatelje organised the programme Cinema sloveno, a retrospective of Slovene film from 1948-1981, which was followed by pre-premieres of Slovene films and various retrospectives. Since that time it has organised various events and projects, including GoricaKinema-GoriziaCinema, Cinematography in Gorica 1896-1918, Film 100 Gorica, Mittelmonitor, Una citta dimenticata ('The Forgotten City'), Remakes, A Chronicle of Love, and Film and Culture in Gorica from the Avant-garde up to Nowadays. A special project has also been dedicated to silent film actress Nora Gregor.
Since 1986 Kinoatelje has run the Film Video Monitor Festival, Gorizia-Gorica, an Italian film festival which focuses on Slovene film.
All of Kinoatelje's film presentations and productions are combined with research and publishing activities.
In 2003 Kinoatelje established a branch at Šempas in Slovenia.
See also
- Branch offices
- Festivals