The Slovenian Animated Film Association (DSAF) was founded in 2011 with the aim of supporting the field of animated film in Slovenia through the joint efforts of the numerous authors and makers of animated film who are its members.
19 February 2021 00:03:03
The Dance Centre Cultural Association was established in 2007 in Maribor.
24 November 2020 16:28:11
Established in 2010 in Ljubljana, the EnaBanda Association (formerly known as Smehomat) is a non-profit organisation that engages mainly in film, video and social sphere research.
24 November 2020 16:04:38
Slovene Association of Cinematographers was founded in 2001 with an aim to inform and promote the importance and relevance of cinematography to the general public, film colleagues and the cultural-political environments.
19 February 2021 00:59:46
EPeKa Scientific and Research Association was established in 2008 as a union of associations.
15 February 2020 00:11:03
Association for Artistic Production|Kataman]]. With a special policy concerning their guest list (even the accredited
19 October 2016 22:16:52
{{Featured article horizontal|Bunker Institute}}

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19 October 2016 22:23:09
The KD Čedermac Cultural Association was founded in 2003 by theatre director Marjan Bevk (1951 – 2015) in order to promote cultural cooperation among Slovenes living in different regions and different countries, especially the regions of Posočje (the region along the Soča River and the western border of Slovenia), Benečija/Veneto, and Koroška (the region along the northern border of Slovenia near Austria).
19 October 2016 22:13:21
Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association is an organisation dedicated to studying, developing and promoting contemporary narration.
19 February 2021 00:12:22
The House of Poetry Literature Association dedicates its activities to the promotion of poetry.
22 March 2021 13:03:31
The Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies was founded in 1976 with the aim of promoting Greek and Roman antiquity, facilitating the study of classical philology, and collaborating with schools offering courses in Latin and Ancient Greek languages and literature.
21 February 2021 08:50:45
The Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia was established in 1976 when it became a member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC/AICT).
19 February 2021 00:47:24

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