European Theatre Convention (ETC)

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Evropska gledališka konvencija
Centre National du Théâtre (CNT), 134 rue Legendre, F-75017 Paris, France,
Phone33 6 7522 3214
Patricia Canellis, (f) General Delegation

The European Theatre Convention (ETC) is an association which represents 37 theatre companies and their artists in 23 European countries. ETC aims to foster the exchange of ideas, individuals and productions in order to improve inter-cultural knowledge. Its main goal is supporting co-operation amongst member theatres and developing a communication and information network relevant to the theatre sector, including the setting up of a website containing information relating to the activities of both ETC and some of its member theatres, with texts, photos, short films, images and theatre technical data.

The Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Ljubljana - Drama has been an ETC member since 1995. An exchange programme with a theatre in Nice took place in 2003 within the context of ETC programmes. The Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Nova Gorica joined ETC in 2001 and organised an ETC festival with the title 'Theatres of Europe: Mirror of Displaced Populations' in 2004. The most recent Slovene ETC member is Mladinsko Theatre from Ljubljana.