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==See also==
==See also==
*[[Overflight International Theatre Festival]]
*[[Contemporary Slovene theatre|An overview of contemporary Slovene theatre]]
*[[Contemporary Slovene theatre|An overview of contemporary Slovene theatre]]
*[[Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia]]
*[[Mladinsko Theatre]]
*[[Mladinsko Theatre]]

Revision as of 23:14, 12 March 2018

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Gledališče Glej
Gregorčičeva 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 9240
Inga Remeta, President

Past Events
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Established in 1970, Glej Theatre is the oldest independent performing arts venue in Ljubljana. An important theatre production and education institution, Glej has been striving to explore theatrical practices in novel and daring ways ever since its early days. Up to this day it remains a place open to unorthodox approaches and theatrical research, fore-fronting the upcoming generations of artists.

A rather small place in the old city centre, Glej profiled itself as an alternative theatre of a diverse nature, setting up 'device theatre' alongside classical dramatic works, puppetry and even dance performances. It fosters numerous collaborations with Slovene as well as international organisations and often lends its premises for various independent artistic productions and festivals. Its challenging performances are frequently invited to numerous international festivals, collecting several awards.

Glej Theatre 2011 Misterio Bufo Photo Urska Boljkovac.jpgMisterio Bufo, directed by Marko Bratuš, premiered at Glej Theatre, 8 April 2011


Glej, emerging under the name Experimental theatre Glej, was initially a response to the need for an alternative space for independent theatrical productions in Ljubljana. It was founded by a group of directors – who were inspired by the evolving experimental theatre approaches and who also introduced them into the Slovene space – among Lado Kralj, Dušan Jovanović and Zvone Šedlbauer. The name of the theatre (which can be translated as Watch!) is a nod to the notions developed by the American theatre theoretician Richard Schechner.

Works that did not (and do not) fit into the existing institutional theatre structures are Glej's staple. Already in its formative years it staged a number of highly acclaimed performances, most notably Bojan Štih's Monument G [Spomenik G] (1972), directed by Dušan Jovanović, and Milan Jesih's The Bitter Fruits of Justice [Grenki sadeži pravice] (1974), directed by Zvone Šedlbauer, which strongly influenced the theatre production in then Yugoslavia.

During the 1980s the theatre slowly moved away from radical experimental production. However, it retained its main orientation towards emerging and innovative authors able to offer new aesthetics and emphases. In the coming decades it collaborated with a number of (nowadays still influential) directors and authors such as Vinko Möderndorfer, Eduard Miler, Iztok Kovač, Matjaž Pograjc, Matjaž Berger, Igor Štromajer, Jernej Lorenci, Tomi Janežič, Sebastjan Horvat, Diego DeBrea, Ivana Djilas, Ivica Buljan and Emil Hrvatin, to name but a few.

Art direction

Glej's many artistic directors have introduced various pioneering programmes, with some of the presented ideas and schemes later also adopted by other theatre institutions in Slovenia. However, as of season 2016/17 the theatre is led by a collective body, the artistic council, comprised of its core personnel.

The theatre annually produces or co-produces over a dozen performances of different genres and styles. However, in terms of production one can note that in recent years "the process" itself became a very strong operational concept. With 2007 Glej opened its programme structure in the form of a year-round open call for theatrical and multidisciplinary projects. This gives Glej the flexibility to swiftly respond to any potential initiatives and needs in the theatre environment.


The theatre's activities are segmented into roughly two programme angles, that of 'artist development' and that of 'audience development', with the latter being adapted so as to correlate with the former.

The artist's segment is comprised of the Glej, Performances, which are basically the regular theatre productions; the Glej, Miniatures, a platform for short experimental theatre pieces, regardless of whether they are completed works or works in progress; and the Glej, Resident, a unique residency programme offering upcoming artists the opportunity to research, develop, and produce their own poetics over a period of one year.

The audience development segment features the programmes Generation 2 Generation and ŠtudenTeater (both described bellow) and the Glej in English, a series of performances performed in English or with English subtitles, aimed at foreign citizens living in Slovenia. Glej's journal called Glej list, reflecting on the state of contemporary theatre and on how this particular theatre house deals with it, could also fit here.

Educational platforms

Glej differs from other theatres in Slovenia by its unique way of identifying and addressing challenges in the performing arts community in Slovenia. It has initiated a number of educational platforms, among them the TOP Program cycle, meant for the development of young theatre critics; workshops for light designers; and the now defunct Poslušaj programme (focused on theatre music) and the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival (meant for the development of quality Slovene playwriting).

Regardless of particular endeavours, Glej remains dedicated to young artists who often take their first steps in the theatre between the four pillars in Glej.


Glej Theatre frequently collaborates with other institutions, be them fellow theatres or coming from other artistic fields. One of its more striking collaborative enterprise is Transferzala, a combined season ticket for five independent Ljubljana theatres – Mini Theatre, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Španski borci Culture Centre, Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station and Glej Theatre.

Glej runs the ŠtudenTeater [StudenTheatre], a project that encourages and facilitates student theatre activities. Here its partners are GT22, the Youth Centre Koper, Moment Maribor and the Public Fund for Cultural Activities. It also works with Exodos, the Mladi levi Festival and the Red Dawns Festival. Together with the Mladinsko Theatre it used to co-produce the Overflight International Theatre Festival.

International cooperation

In 2014 Glej initiated the Generation 2 Generation project, with partners from the Netherlands, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and France, which focuses on the development of theatre for teenage audiences and on audience development in general.

Other Glej's international projects and platforms were, for example, Development of New Art (DNA) (an EU supported project 2011–2013, led by the Czech NOVA SIT Association, with partners from Denmark, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia), the European Theater Night (2011, 2012), and the Call to Create platform. Currently, it is a member of the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) and the East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP).

1280pxPress image for Šajning [Shining], directed by Borut Bučinel, premiere in Glej Theatre, 2010

See also

External links
