SADAR + VUGA Architects
Changing the name of the article
Sadar-Vuga Arhitekti should be written Sadar Vuga Arhitekti or Sadar Vuga Architects, for it is most commonly used; also at their related pages. On the other hand authors themselves (and them only) use the SADAR + VUGA naming, stated also in the "contact" section at their website.
- Thanks, Tea. Then to follow naming conventions I propose SADAR + VUGA Architects. --Jana Wilcoxen 15:51, 28 April 2011 (CEST)
Language editor comments
I don't understand what is trying to be said here in the first sentence and then the way it connects to the 2nd sentence. Any clarification would be helpful. Tenx. --Jana Wilcoxen 15:54, 28 April 2011 (CEST)
- "Formulas state concepts is the graphic outline of main ideas or characteristics, applied to SVA architectural products. They use them as the communicational tool in the office through the working process, in discussions with the client and presentations to the public."
- Hi Jana, S+V use simple yet narrative graphic images in order to point out main characteristics of every project. These small black and white images are called formulas and present the idea of every building or project in a graphic way. S+V use them in the office to "tag" every project, i.e. type of the façade, type of the roof, a building block, etc. It is quite difficult to explain it much different than written; I've been to their lecture once and have seen it... Does this clear out things a bit? - Tea Pristolič 01:30, 1 May 2011 (CEST)