Featured/Web resources

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Managed by the Center for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies at the Jožef Stefan Institute, the VideoLectures.Net international web portal (online since 2002) promotes science, exchanges ideas and fosters knowledge sharing. It is the world's largest collection of free educational online videos providing high-quality didactic contents not only to the scientific community but also to the general public. In April 2010, the "Ethics for the New Millennium" lecture by His Holiness the Dalai Lama was published as the 10,000th video on the portal. In 2013, the United Nations and UNESCO declared Videolectures.net as the best educational project of the decade in the "e-Science & Technology" category.

VideoLectures.Net mainly includes lectures from information and communication technologies in particular fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, semantic web and data and text mining but is expanding towards visual arts, humanities, social studies and law as well.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NO LOGO, NIFERTIK, Education, Education and research, INFOBOX, Updated 2020, Theatre media, Research, Education and Research, Articles maintained by Simon Smole, Web resources, Visual arts web resources, New media art web resources, Literature web resources, Dance archives and resources, Architecture web resources, Design web resources, Music web resources, Theatre web resources, Dance web resources, Architecture media, Design media, Music media

VideoLectures.Net (website).png


Rockobrobje.com [Rock margins] provides CD, book and concert reviews, interviews with Slovene and international musicians and music activists, press clippings and exclusives. The website is updated every Monday evening. As the name itself suggests the writing mainly focuses on rock music and its hybrids. Interestingly, here you can find a list of recommended albums entitled "100 albumov za samotni otok" (100 albums for the desert island), which will supposedly make your isolation more bearable and pleasant. The author Janez Golič also has a radio show "Drugi val" (Second wave) every Sunday evening at 11:30 P.M. on the radio station Radio Slovenia Second Channel - VAL202, where he presents new album releases and promotes musicians who will be performing in concerts on Slovene stages in the upcoming days.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, NO LOGO, Music, INFOBOX, Music media, Articles maintained by Danaja Grešak, Music online media

Rockobrobje.com (website).png