Rokus Klett Publishing House
20 May 2014
21 May 2014
Books Kava by Božidar Jezernik (Modrijan Publishing House), Potice Slovenije by Janez Bogataj (Rokus Klett Publishing House), and Fao 37-2-1 by Klemen Košir (Naturšček) at the Gourmand Awards , supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Beijing,
at the Beijing Cookbook Fair
In 2003 the publishing house Rokus started publishing the National Geographic Junior, in 2006 it launched the National Geographic Slovenija, the National Geographic Mini and Beo beo, while in 2007 the National Geographic Popotnik and Umko magazine appeared. The Rokus Darila ('Gifts') sell the selected objects (cups, glasses, etc) designed by Slovene visual artists or designers (Zora Stančič, Petra Varl, Oskar Kogoj, etc.).