Maja Škerbot
Zdravo, Maja. Fajn, da si prišla. Zocky 16:09, 19 November 2009 (UTC)
- ja fajn, da ste me povabili.--Maja Škerbot 16:17, 19 November 2009 (UTC)
Testni članek
-,_Ljubljana Admin 16:11, 19 November 2009 (UTC)
Pohvaljena za novinarski obrat Riko Collection. Admin 19:51, 13 December 2009 (UTC)
mrzlo v ljubljani? --Maja Škerbot
stari materiali, Tea Pristolič
predlagam prenos nekaterih podatkov k Starck with Riko oz po dogovoru povezano s tem clankom
Riko Group engages in civil engineering (wooden house production), industrial engineering and power engineering. Through its activities in the art world (donations, sponsorship etc) it assists creators, either indirectly or directly, through the purchase of works of art. In so doing it invigorates the art market, and through financial support it helps to present artists' creativity. Riko acts as a kind of a mediator between creators, their works and an interested public. Today the Riko Art Collection numbers nearly 200 works (paintings and sculptures as well as drawings and graphic art), including works by all of the most prominent Slovene artists of the 20th century. As a result, the collection displays the dynamism, diversity and high-quality aesthetic expression of Slovene modern and contemporary visual arts. Of course, the collection is not complete; it is still growing from day to day. Riko has also purchased an apartment with a studio in Paris, where young artists - mostly graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design - can live and create without paying the rent, donating the art works created there to the Riko Art Collection. The company strives for artistic flavour of their houses as well. After a very successful partnership in the Lakes by Yoo project, where Riko supplied houses for a luxury development near Oxford, UK, the new line of design houses Starck with Riko will be presented in 2010.
predlogi za foto
1. foto stavbe galerije 2. foto dokumentacija Henryja Moora in Apollinera Ossipa Zadkina 3. reprodukcija slike Jožeta Tisnikarja in Bogdana Borčiča za poglavje collection 4. fotografija iz pionirskih casov in katere od prvih mednarodnih razstav 5. foto razstave Švedska kuhinja, 2 Live, Nit in fotke obeležitve 50 let obstoja galerije ter razstave Histerija 5. foto vseh treh direktorjev: Pečko, Zlatar, Košan