Časar Mill, Prosenjakovci

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Časarov mlin, Prosenjakovci
Phone386 (0) 2 544 1151, 386 (0) 41 923 771
Managed byFamily Petje

Časar Mill was built in 1930. A brick-built annex was added to the wooden building in 1936, and the abandoned mill was renovated by the Petje family in 1999. Časar Mill is powered by a Francis turbine. There is also a small ethnological exhibition of tools.

External links

Časarov mlin, Prosenjakovci +
Časarov mlin, Prosenjakovci +
SI-9207 Prosenjakovci-Pártosfalva +
Berkovci 30 +
Časar Mill was built in 1930. +
Časar Mill was built in 1930. +
+386 / 2 544 1151, 386 / 41 923 771 +
Prosenjakovci-Pártosfalva +
SI-9207 +
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