
From provides a unique resource for and dynamic reflection of Slovenian culture. The growing database covers information on organisations, venues, festivals, etc., tagged with over 400 different categories. The data collects information on the worldwide events featuring Slovenian artists, institutions or producers; on dates of festivals; and on the involvement of Slovenian organisations in EU-funded projects. Using this data, we can generate original interactive infographics that convey patterns and trends clearly and quickly.

The Festivals in Slovenia infographic presents the annual festival timelines since 2012. The Culture from Slovenia World Map offers a preview of future events around the world and a growing archive of international activity in the field of arts and culture. Last but not least, the infographic EU Funding lists the pertinent data related to the EU funding for culture, film and audiovisual media projects involving Slovenian organisations since 2002. The Slovenian version is available at EU projekti.

Festivals in Slovenia

Festivals in slovenia 2012.jpgThe printed version of the calendar of Festivals in Slovenia in 2012 contains 141 festivals. Later on, in 2019, the festival number rose to 199. Check out the current annual festivalscape! Since 2012, the annual festivalscapes are provided as an infographic, conceived by the team at the Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory. The interactive calendars include the festivals from the database arranged by weeks and by field. You can see specific types of festivals, e.g., music festivals only, by clicking on the corresponding artistic field. Take a look at the Festivals in Slovenia infographic.

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Culture from Slovenia World Map collects information about upcoming cultural events and activities abroad, involving Slovene artists and researchers. The Culture from Slovenia interactive World Map is a unique source of information that offers a preview of future events around the world and a growing archive of international activity in the field of arts and culture.

Since 2010 we have published news about circa 7000 events in 100 countries. Our archive of events can be filtered by year, country, and discipline. Search the events 2010–2021.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Articles maintained by Editor, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, NO LOGO, Web resources, Cultural policy web resources, Cultural policy, infographics

EU funding

Culture! poster.jpgPoster Culture! successfully raises from the EU programes for the culture and audiovisual sectors, 2002-2012.

The interactive infographics represents the data related to the EU funding for culture, film and audiovisual media raised by Slovene organisations in the period 2000–2018. In 19 years 220 organisations have been involved in 925 projects with the European dimension.

In 2013 a data mining and interoperability project was performed by the teams of the Creative Europe Desk Slovenia and with the aim of presenting the whole bunch of data in a graphic way, and incite further analyses and comparative researches. Since then the infographic is being regularly updated as soon as results are announced. infographics, Web resource

Culture! poster.jpg