- [[]]
666 productions, A Atalanta, A.A.C. Productions, Antara, Art Video Institute Ljubljana, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Bela Film, Blade Production, Bugbrain Studio, Cirkulacija 2, CrossCommunityCreation Institute, Domestic Research Society, E-motion Film, EPI Centre, Emzin Institute of Creative Production, Fabula Film Production, Fatamorgana, Festival Ljubljana Public Institute, Forum Ljubljana, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre, GVR babaLAN Institute, Glej Theatre, Gulag Institute for Contemporary Arts and Cultures, Gustav Film, Hanna's Atelier for Sonorous Arts, Infofilm, Kersnikova Institute, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Kinoatelje, Kinoatelje Institute, Kolektiva Institute, Konj Puppet Theatre, Koper Theatre, LiLaPraP Creative Laboratory, Liminal, Institute for Social Transfusion, Creative and Applied Science, Ljubljanski grad Public Institute, Maska Institute, Mini Theatre, Mladinsko Theatre, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Monoo, Museum of Puppetry, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, Projekt Atol Institute, Robida, Rozinteater, Senzorium Institute for Sensorial Theatre and Research, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Son:DA, Staragara, Stiropor Collective, Studio Arkadena, Studio Maj, Televizija Slovenija, TiPovej Institute, Trbovlje, The New Media Setting, Vertigo, Via Negativa, Viba Film Studio, Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio), Zank
Apiculture Museum Krapje, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Art club & cafe Wetrinsky, Baraga Homestead, Baza 13, Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog, Birthplace of France Prešeren, Bled Castle, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki, Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice), C.M.A.K. Cerkno, Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško, Celica Hostel, Celje Central Library, Cerknica Culture House, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT), Cultural Garden Katzenberg, DIC Gallery, DLUL Gallery, Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre, DobraVaga, Domžale Library, Dr Tone Pretnar Library, Tržič, Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, Felix Bookshops, Festival Hall, Finžgar Gallery, France Balantič Public Library Kamnik, France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica, Gala Hala, Glej Theatre, Gornja Radgona Municipal Library, Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Grosuplje Library, Historical Archives Celje, Historical Archives Ljubljana, Idrija City Library and Reading Room, Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika, Jesenice Municipal Library, Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica, Juršče Culture House, Kavčnik Homestead, Kino Komuna, Kino Velenje, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Kinodvor Cinema, Klub Channel Zero, Klub Gromka, Klub K4, Klub Menza pri koritu, Klub Monokel, Klub Swenak, Klub Tiffany, Klub Zakon, Kobarid Museum, Kolosej De Luxe Kranj, Kolosej Ljubljana, Koper Theatre, Kos Manor House, Kosovel Culture House Sežana, Kosovel Library, Sežana, Kostanjevica Monastery, Kočevje Library, Kranj City Library, Križanke, Lavrič Library, Ajdovščina, Laško Public Library, Lenart Library, Lendava-Lendva Library, Litija Library, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana City Library, Ljutomer Culture House, Ljutomer Public Library, Logatec Library, Loka Castle, Lokev Culture House, MIKK Youth Information Cultural Club, Murska Sobota, MMC Mink Multimedia Centre, MMC Pulsar Multimedia Centre, Maksa Samsa Library, Ilirska Bistrica, Medvode Library, Memorial House of the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Čebine, Metlika People’s Library, Mikl House Gallery, Mikl House Library, Mile Klopčič Library, Zagorje ob Savi, Mini Theatre, Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto, Mladinsko Theatre, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Mozirje Central Library, Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library, Museum of Madness, Museum of Post and Telecommunications, Museum of Puppetry, Museum of Slovenian Film Actors, Nada Žagar Youth Club (MKNŽ), National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, Orto Bar, Osmo/za, Pavel Golia Library, Trebnje, Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre, Pivka House of Culture, Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle, Ptuj Castle, R.O.G. Skatepark, Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice, Rajhenburg Castle, Regional Archives Koper, Regional Archives Koper, Piran Branch, Regional Archives Maribor, Rogaška Slatina Library, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Slovene National and Study Library in Trieste, Slovenian Cinematheque, Slovenske Konjice Public Library, Sora Cinema, Škofja Loka, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Tolmin Museum, Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre, Tone Seliškar Library, Trbovlje, Tone Čufar Theatre, Jesenice, Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum, Triglavska Roža Information Centre, Valvasor Library, Krško, Velenje Library, Viba Film Studio, Zaprice Castle, Črnomelj Library, Šentjur Public Library, Šmarje pri Jelšah Library, Žalec Institute for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Žalec Inter Municipal Central Library
(DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music, 24 Hour Party People, Akord Festival Maribor, Attacca Festival, BaRock Festival, Beached Whale Festival, Biennial Festival of the Contemporary Puppetry Art LUTKE, Biennial of Graphic Arts, Bled Festival, Bled Film Festival, Bluesland Festival, Boben and Lajna Festival, Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design, Butik Festival, Carniola Festival, Summer in Kranj, Celje FOKUS Festival, Choregie Festival, Club Marathon, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, Days of Ethnographic Film, Days of Slovenian popular music, Design Biotop, Drama Festival, Džjezz Festival, Electric Rats Dream Video Dreams, Emona Promenade Festival, Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition, Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival, Etnika International World Music Festival, Europa Cantat Festival 2021 Ljubljana, European Piccolo Festival, European Triennial of Small Sculpture, Ex Ponto International Festival, Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics, Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts, Eye of the Word Festival, Eye on Film Festival, FAK Festival of Alternative Culture, FKK - Festival of Culture Kostanjevica, FV Music Festival, Festival Maribor, Festival Performa & Platforma, Festival at the Border, Festival of European and Mediterranean Film, Festival of Independent Film, Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music, Festival of Monodrama, Ptuj, Festival of Slovenian Film, Film Mixer Independent Film Festival, Flow Festival Ljubljana, Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography, God Bless This Mess Festival, Golden Stick Festival, Gora Rocka, HISTeRIA Festival, Hladilnica Gallery, Pekarna, Idrija Lace Festival, In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, International Ceramics Triennial Unicum, International Conference, International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA), Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival, Izzven Jazz Festival, Maribor, Jazz Cerkno Festival, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival, Jurjevanje in Bela krajina, KAMERAT Labour Film Festival, Kamfest, Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, Klovnbuf Festival, Kluže Ambient Festival, Kogoj’s Days, Koperground Festival, Krastival Open Air Festival, Kurja polt Genre Film Festival, LGBT Film Festival, La Vie en Rose Festival of Chanson, Lighting Guerrilla Festival, Linhart Encounter, Literodrom, Live After Death Festival, Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival, Ljubljana Festival, Loka in the Snow Festival, Love Festival, Luksuz Cheap Film Festival, Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication, Maribor Theatre Festival, Mediafest, Festival of Contemporary Music and Digital Art, Celje, Mediterranean Festival, Izola, Metalcamp, Mini Summer - International Festival for Children, Minoriti Summer Open Air Cinema, Mladinsko Showcase, Mountain Film Festival, NagiB Contemporary Dance Festival, Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival, No Border Jam Festival, Noise Festival, OFF Oboe Bassoon Festival, PLESkavica Festival, PUF Festival, Pandamonium, Paranoid Open Air Festival, Performa Festival, Personal–Collective Festival, Photonic Moments – Month of Photography, Pika's Festival, Piran Days of Architecture, Poster Festival Ljubljana, PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival, Prulček Spring Festival, Punk Rock Holiday, Radio Študent Benefit Festival, Radovljica Festival, Rock Batuje, Rock Otočec, SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting, Sajeta Creative Camp, Schengenfest, Shinafest, Shots International Short Film Festival, Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična, Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP), Slovene Music Days, Slovene Puppetry Biennial, Slovenia Press Photo Festival, Slovenian Music Week, Slovenska popevka Festival, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art, Sound Disobedience, Sound Explicit Festival, Speculum Artium Festival, Spring Festival, Stična Festival, Stoptrik International Film Festival, Street Explosion, Strictly Analog Festival, Summer Puppet Pier Festival, TRESK Festival, Tartini Festival, Topographies of Sound Festival, Transgenerations Festival of Youth Creativity, Tribute to a Vision Film Festival, Trnfest Festival, Trnje Festival, Trnovo Tercets, Unicum Contemporary Music Festival, Vzkrik Festival, Week of Slovenian Drama, Winter Days of Metal Festival, World Music Days 2015, ZEBRA Film Festival, Zasavje Noisefest International, Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival, Šklabfest, Škofja Loka Passion Play
Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF), ArtsLink Awards, Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana, Business Support Centre (BSC) Ltd, Kranj, CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes, Confucius Institute, Ljubljana, Development Centre Novo mesto, South East Slovenia Region, EEA and Norway Grants, French Institute in Slovenia, Gallus Foundation, Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, Italian Cultural Institute, Ljubljana, Karel Pečko Foundation, Knafelj Foundation, Vienna, Koper Regional Development Centre, Coast-Carst Region, Liszt Institute Ljubljana, Municipality of Ptuj, Section for Music, Ministry of Culture, Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund, Slovene Research Agency (ARRS), Slovene Science Foundation, Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenian Book Agency, Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers' Guilds, Slovenian Film Centre, Zasavje Regional Development Centre Ltd
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Alma Mater Europaea - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (AME ISH), Arthouse - College for Visual Arts, Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, Association of Slovene Museums, Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory, CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes, Celje Music School, Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language, Confucius Institute, Ljubljana, Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Classics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Ljubljana, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Film and Television, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Department of History, University of Ljubljana, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Musicology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Restoration, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Slavistics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Theatre and Radio, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Design Biotop, Didakta Magazine, Educa Publishing House, Educational Research Institute (ERI), European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies (ECERS), University of Maribor, European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR), FKK - Festival of Culture Kostanjevica, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Faculty of Humanities Koper, University of Primorska, Faculty of Media, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Folk Slovenia Cultural Society, Fran Korun Koželjski Music School, Velenje, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Graduate School, University of Nova Gorica, Historical Archives Celje, Historical Archives Ljubljana, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Instituto Cervantes Liubliana, International Conference, International Institute for Archival Science (IIAS), Izlake–Zagorje Art Colony, KAMERAT Labour Film Festival, Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, Knafelj Foundation, Vienna, Koper Music School, Lendava-Lendva International Fine Arts Colony, Liminal, Institute for Social Transfusion, Creative and Applied Science, LindArt International Young Artists’ Fine Arts Colony, Maska Institute, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Music Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre, Piran Days of Architecture, Pre-School Education and Grammar School, Ljubljana, Regional Archives Koper, Regional Archives Maribor, School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica, Slovene Research Agency (ARRS), Slovenj Gradec Music School, Summer School Bovec, Summer School of Visual Ethnography, The Workers and Punks’ University, Union of Primorska Music Schools, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, University of Nova Gorica, University of Primorska, Velenje Grammar School, Šolsko polje (School Field Journal)
AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia, ARNES, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF), Archaeological Society of Slovenia, Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS), Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Art Society of Celje, Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers, Association for Film Culture Development, Maribor, Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Association of Slovene Film Producers, Association of Slovene Museums, Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana, Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice), Business Support Centre (BSC) Ltd, Kranj, Buča Bookselling and Publishing, CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes, Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language, Ceramics Artists and Pottery Makers Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling, Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, Confucius Institute, Ljubljana, Copyright Agency of Slovenia Ltd, DRPPD - Association for Development of Preventative and Volunteer Work, Development Centre Novo mesto, South East Slovenia Region, Directors Guild of Slovenia, Docomomo Slovenia,, EEA and Norway Grants, EKumba Database, European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor, French Institute in Slovenia, Gallus Foundation, Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Government Communication Office, Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, Historical Society of Celje, Historical Society of Southern Primorska, Koper, IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights, Info-DUM (Home of Youth Creation), Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Celje Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Kranj Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljubljana Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Nova Gorica Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Novo mesto Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Piran Regional Office, Instituto Cervantes Liubliana, International Council for Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), Slovenia, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Slovenia, International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), Slovenia, Italian Cultural Institute, Ljubljana, KRIK Multimedia Centre Pomurje, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, Koper Regional Development Centre, Coast-Carst Region,, Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor), Legal Information Centre for NGOs (LIC), Library Association of Dolenjska, Library Association of Gorenjska, Library Association of Pomurje, Liszt Institute Ljubljana, Ljubljana Network of Info Points (L'MIT), MMC Mink Multimedia Centre, Maribor Fine Artists Society, National Council for Culture, Piranesi Foundation, Radio Production Unit, RTV Slovenia, Radio Slovenia, RadioCona, Raz Ume Database, Russian Centre, Maribor, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts, SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre,, SPP Institute for Promotion of Photography, - information on Slovene music,, Slovene Anthropological Society, Slovene Art History Society, Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies, Slovene Comparative Literature Association, Slovene Emigrant Association, Slovene Ethnological Society, Slovene Publishers Society, Slovene Research Agency (ARRS), Slovene Science Foundation, Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU), Slovenian Authors' Society (ZAMP), Slovenian Book Agency, Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers' Guilds, Slovenian Film Centre, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Slovenian Library Association, Slovenian Organization of Authors and Publishers for Reproduction Rights (SAZOR), Slovenian Tourist Board, Statistics about Slovenia, Studio Ritem, Tolmin Union of Youth Associations, Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia, Triglav National Park, Union of Cultural Societies of Slovenia (ZKDS), Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia, Union of Primorska Music Schools, Union of Slovene Journalists, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Zasavje Regional Development Centre Ltd
Fertik MEDIA
Acta Analytica, Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, Acta Histriae,, Annales Journal, Anthropological Notebooks, Archives Journal, Argo Journal, Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Delo Newspaper,, Department of Film and Television, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Department of Theatre and Radio, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Didakta Magazine, Dnevnik Newspaper,,, Ekran, Magazine for Film and Television, Etnolog (Ethnologist) Journal, Historical Review, Javnost - The Public Journal, KULA Journal, Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca Journal, Kronika, Logos Journal, Mentor Magazine, Mladina Magazine,, Moja Slovenija Magazine, Monitor ISH, Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences,, Poligrafi Journal, Praznine Magazine, Problemi Journal,, RTV Slovenia Kultura website, RTV Slovenia Radio Studios, Ljubljana, RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper-Capodistria, Nova Gorica Branch Office, RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, Radio Capodistria, Radio Maribor, Radio Production Unit, RTV Slovenia, Radio Slovenia, Radio Slovenia First Channel - A1 (RA SLO 1), Radio Študent (RŠ), RadioCona, Rast Magazine, Razpotja Journal,,, Sinfo Magazine, Slavia Centralis Journal,, Slovene Ethnological Society Bulletin, Slovenia Times, Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies Journal, Studia Mythologica Slavica, TV Maribor, TV Slovenia 1, TV Slovenia 2, TV Slovenia 3, TV Slovenia Hungarian Minority TV Programming, Televizija Slovenija, Teorija in praksa Journal,, Union of Slovene Journalists, Večer Newspaper, Več, Zgodovina za vse (History for Everyone), Šolsko polje (School Field Journal)
Academy of Music Library, Capuchin Monastery Archives and Library, Škofja Loka, Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško, Celje Central Library, Central Technological Library, University of Ljubljana, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies Library, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Department of Archaeology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Asian Studies Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Classics Library, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Comparative and General Linguistics Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Educational Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of English Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of History Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Musicology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Philosophy Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Psychology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Sociology Library, University of Ljubljana, Departments of Slovenian Studies and Slavistics Library, University of Ljubljana, Domžale Library, Dr Tone Pretnar Library, Tržič, Faculty of Architecture Library, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education Library, University of Ljubljana, France Balantič Public Library Kamnik, France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica, France Stele Institute of Art History Library, Franciscan Archives and Library, Kamnik, Franciscan Archives and Library, Ljubljana, Franciscan Archives and Library, Novo mesto, French Institute in Slovenia, Gea College of Entrepreneurship Library, Piran, Gornja Radgona Municipal Library, Grosuplje Library, Idrija City Library and Reading Room, Infoshop Metelkova, Institute for Ethnic Studies Library and Archives, Institute of Contemporary History, Institute of Musicology Library, Instituto Cervantes Liubliana, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (ISH) Library, Jesenice Municipal Library, Jože Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana, Jože Mazovec Library, Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica, KUD Anarhiv,, Kosovel Library, Sežana, Kočevje Library, Kranj City Library, Lavrič Library, Ajdovščina, Laško Public Library, Lenart Library, Lendava-Lendva Library, Library, Journal of Library and Information Science, Litija Library, Ljubljana City Library, Ljutomer Public Library, Logatec Library, Maksa Samsa Library, Ilirska Bistrica, Medvode Library, Metlika People’s Library, Mikl House Library, Mile Klopčič Library, Zagorje ob Savi, Minorite St Petrus and Paulus Monastery Archives and Library, Ptuj, Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto, Mozirje Central Library, Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library, NUK Manuscript Collection and Early Printed Collection, NUK Music Collection, National Museum of Contemporary History Library, National Museum of Slovenia Library, Oton Župančič Library, Pavel Golia Library, Trebnje, Peace Institute Library, Prežihov Voranc Library, Restoration Centre, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS), Rogaška Slatina Library, Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre Library, Ljubljana, Seminary Library, Ljubljana, Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library, Slovene National and Study Library in Trieste, Slovene School Museum Library, Slovene Study Library in Klagenfurt, Slovenian Cinematheque Library, Slovenian Migration Institute, Slovenian Museum of Natural History Library, Slovenian Public Libraries Association, Slovenian Theatre Institute Library, Slovenske Konjice Public Library, Slowenischer Lesesaal, Graz, Stripoteka Collection, Oton Župančič Library, Ljubljana, Tone Seliškar Library, Trbovlje, University of Maribor Library, University of Nova Gorica Library, Valvasor Library, Krško, Velenje Library, Črnomelj Library, Šentjur Public Library, Šiška Library, Šmarje pri Jelšah Library, Žalec Inter Municipal Central Library
Archiepiscopal Archives of Ljubljana, Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS), Archives Journal, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Aškerc Award, Capuchin Monastery Archives and Library, Škofja Loka, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies Library, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Delo Publishing House, Diocesan Archives of Koper, Franciscan Archives and Library, Kamnik, Franciscan Archives and Library, Ljubljana, Franciscan Archives and Library, Novo mesto, Historical Archives Celje, Historical Archives Ljubljana, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Dolenjska and Bela Krajina Unit, Novo mesto, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Gorenjska Unit, Kranj, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Idrija Unit, Historical Archives Ljubljana: Škofja Loka Unit, Institute of Contemporary History, Institute of Ethnomusicology Sound Archive and Studio, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, International Institute for Archival Science (IIAS), Jesuit Archives, Ljubljana, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, Minorite St Petrus and Paulus Monastery Archives and Library, Ptuj, NUK Manuscript Collection and Early Printed Collection, NUK Music Collection, RadioCona, Raz Ume Database, Regional Archives Koper, Regional Archives Koper, Piran Branch, Regional Archives Maribor, Restoration Centre, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS),,, Slovene Emigrant Association, Slovene Film Archives, Slovenian Cinematheque Film Archive Department, Slovenian Migration Institute,, Stična Cistercian Abbey Archives, Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute, Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre, Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia, Ursuline Archives, Ljubljana
Faculty of Architecture Library, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Hiše Awards, Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting, Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries, Ofis Arhitekti, Piran Days of Architecture, Piranesi Award, Plečnik Collection, Plečnik House, Praznine Magazine, Robida, South Africa Ithuba Project, Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia,, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Fertik DANCE
EnKnapGroup (EKG), Hanna's Atelier for Sonorous Arts, International Council for Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), Slovenia, Jurjevanje in Bela krajina, Maska Institute, NagiB Contemporary Dance Festival, Pre-School Education and Grammar School, Ljubljana, Staragara, VAL Piran Folkloric Dance Group
Armada, Asobi, BIO Gold Medal, Brumen Award, Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design, Design Biotop, International Conference, Kresija Gallery, Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting, Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication, Memefest Awards, Novi kolektivizem (NK)
Fertik FILM
666 productions, A Atalanta, A Short Historical Overview of Slovene Film, A.A.C. Productions, Amnesty International Slovenia Award, Antara, Association for Film Culture Development, Maribor, Association of Slovene Film Producers, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory, Bela Film, Blade Production, Bled Film Festival, Blitz Film and Video Distribution, Bugbrain Studio, Continental Film/Con Film, Cvinger Film, DIVA Station, Days of Ethnographic Film, Demiurg, Department of Film and Television, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Directors Guild of Slovenia, E-motion Film, EKumba Database, Ekran, Magazine for Film and Television, Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival, Fabula Film Production, Fatamorgana, Festival of European and Mediterranean Film, Festival of Independent Film, Festival of Slovenian Film, Film Mixer Independent Film Festival, Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Film Union of Slovenia, FilmFlow, Filmska praksa PLAN 9, Filter Society (DZU Filter), Fivia, Forum Ljubljana, Gustav Film, Infofilm, International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), Slovenia, Izola Centre for Culture, Sport and Events, KAMERAT Labour Film Festival, Karantanija Cinemas, Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival, Kino Otok Award, Kino Velenje, Kino! Magazine for Cinema and Cinematic Issues, Kino! Society for Expanding Film Culture, Kinoatelje, Kinoatelje Institute, Kinodvor Cinema, Kinotečnik, Kolosej Cinemas, Kosovel Culture House Sežana, Kurja polt Genre Film Festival, LGBT Film Festival, Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival, Ljutomer Culture House, Luksuz Cheap Film Festival, Luksuz Production, Maribor Is The Future podcast, Minoriti Summer Open Air Cinema, Monoo, Mountain Film Festival, Museum of Slovenian Film Actors, Otok Cultural Institute, RSL Production, Novo mesto, Retrovizor, Sever & Sever Production, Shots International Short Film Festival, Sinhro Studio 100,, Slovene Ethnological Society, Slovene Film Archives, Slovenian Cinematheque, Slovenian Cinematheque Film Archive Department, Slovenian Cinematheque Library, Slovenian Cinematheque Museum Department, Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers' Guilds, Slovenian Film Centre, Slovenian Film Database, Sora Cinema, Škofja Loka, Staragara, Stoptrik International Film Festival, Studio Arkadena, Studio Maj, Studio Ritem, Summer School of Visual Ethnography, Televizija Slovenija, Tribute to a Vision Film Festival, Vertigo, Viba Film Studio, Video Art Ltd, Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio), ZEBRA Film Festival, Zank
Fertik LITERATURE, Alma M. Karlin Virtual Home, Aristej Publishing House, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Birthplace of Simon Gregorčič, Vrsno, Buča Bookselling and Publishing, Celica Hostel, Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language, Ciril Kosmač Homestead, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Ljubljana, Department of Slavistics, University of Ljubljana, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Družina Publishing House, Eye of the Word Festival, Felix Bookshops, Fit media Ltd, Goga Publishing House, Grum Award, KONS Literary Award, Karantanija Publishing House, Klub Gromka, Kres Publishing House, Kristina Brenkova Award, Literodrom, Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos), Logos Journal, Obzorja Publishing House, Peter Dajnko Homestead, Pivec Publishing House, Poetry Tournament, PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival, Preš, Rast Magazine, Robida, Schwentner Award, Slovenia Poetry International Web, Slovenian Book Agency, Slowenischer Lesesaal, Graz, The First Records in Slovenian Language, Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre, Trnovo Tercets, Učila International Publishing House, VBZ Publishing, Versopolis, World Book Capital Ljubljana 2010, Šerpa Literary Art Association
Fertik MUSIC
(DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music,, 24 Hour Party People, Academic Choir France Prešeren, Kranj, Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, Akord Festival Maribor, Amala, Amper-O-Mat, Ana Pupedan, Analena, Ars Ramovš, Arsana Music Art Association, Art club & cafe Wetrinsky, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Attacca Festival, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Ave Chamber Choir, BaRock Festival, Bast, Baza 13, Beached Whale Festival, Bela krajina Youth Cultural Club (MKK Črnomelj), Beton Records, Big Band KK, Big Foot Mama, Birthplace of Hugo Wolf, Bled Festival, Bluesland Festival, Boben and Lajna Festival, Borut Kržišnik Symphonic Orchestra, Bossa de Novo, Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice), Brina, Broken Lock, Butik Festival, C.M.A.K. Cerkno, CPZ (Cela pametna založba), CUF, Camerata Labacensis, Cantemus Kamnik Mixed Choir, Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir, Celica Hostel, Celje Music School, Choregie Festival, Club Marathon, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, Consortium Musicum Ljubljana, Cultural Garden Katzenberg, DRMK - Collective for Development of Youth Culture, Dan D, Dance Mamblita, Dandelion Children, Days of Slovenian popular music, De Musica Disserenda Journal, De Profundis Chamber Choir, Deca Debilane, DeepEnd!, Defonija, Dej še'n litro Brass Band, Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre, Demolition Group, Department of Musicology Library, University of Ljubljana, Department of Musicology, University of Ljubljana, Dežurni krivci, Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia, Domžale Chamber Choir, Don't Make New People, DrumWise, Džjezz Festival, Earresistible Mastering, Elvis Jackson, Etnika International World Music Festival, Europa Cantat Festival 2021 Ljubljana, European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor, European Piccolo Festival, FAK Festival of Alternative Culture, FV Music, Fabrika 13 Audio Mastering and Restoration, Festival Ljubljana Public Institute, Festival Maribor, Festival at the Border, Finžgar Gallery, Flow Festival Ljubljana, Folk Slovenia Cultural Society, Fran Korun Koželjski Music School, Velenje, Front Rock, Gala Hala, Gallus Foundation, Gallus J. Carniolus Institute, Glitterbeat Records, God Bless This Mess Festival, God Bless This Mess Records, Gora Rocka, Hladilnica Gallery, Pekarna, House of Culture Celje, Iamdisease, Illegal Kru, Im-puls Music Management, In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival, In-Sane, Institute for Sonic Arts Research, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Institute of Ethnomusicology Sound Archive and Studio, Institute of Musicology Library, Ipavec House, Ipavska Chamber Choir, It's Everyone Else, Jararaja, Jazz & Blues Records, Jazz Cerkno Festival, Jazz Cerkno Institute, Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival, Jazzon Award, Jimmy Barka Experience, Jota Music Agency, KAPA Association for Cultural and Artistic Production, KAPA Audio Studio, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, KUD Sestava, Kamfest, Kar Češ Brass Band, Katalena, Kataman - Association for Artistic Production, Katice, Keltika International Festival, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Kleemar, Klopotec, Klub Channel Zero, Klub Gromka, Klub K4, Klub Menza pri koritu, Klub Swenak, Klub Zakon, Kogoj’s Days, Kombinat Choir, Koper Music School, Kotlovnica Youth Centre, Kozina Award, Kurz Rock Vibe, KvinTon, La Vie en Rose Festival of Chanson, Laibach, Lesce Brass Orchestra, Litošt, Live After Death Festival, Ljubljana Festival, Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO), Ljubljana Madrigalists Chamber Choir, Ljudmil Rus Guitar Orchestra, Loka in the Snow Festival, Lolita, Loudspeaker Alliance, Ludovik Material, MD7 Contemporary Music Ensemble, MIKK Youth Information Cultural Club, Murska Sobota, Mantuani Award, Maribor Academic Choir, Mars Music, Matrix Music, Menart Records, Metalcamp, Moonlee Records, Moveknowledgement, Music Friends Association, Koper, Music Production Unit, RTV Slovenia, Music Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Musical Instruments Collection, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Musicological Annual, NUK Music Collection, Nada Žagar Youth Club (MKNŽ), Naio Ssaion, New Wave Syria, Nikki Louder, No Border Jam Festival, Noctiferia, Noise Festival, Nova Gorica Arts Centre,, OFF Oboe Bassoon Festival, Obala Koper Mixed Choir, Obzorja Publishing House, Octex,, On Parole Productions, Orkestrada, Orto Bar, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, Pandamonium, Panika Records, Paranoid Open Air Festival,, Perpetuum Jazzile, Police Orchestra, Prifarski muzikanti,, Projekt Atol Institute, Prosvetno društvo Soča Kanal, Punk Rock Holiday, RSL Production, Novo mesto, RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir, RTV Slovenia Radio Studios, Ljubljana, RTV Slovenia Studio 22, Maribor, Radio Študent (RŠ), Radovljica Early Music Society, Radovljica Festival, Random Logic, ReflektorMusic Agency, Res Nullius, Rnka Rnka, Rock Batuje, Rock Otočec,,,, Rx:tx, SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting, SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre, SToP Slovene Percussion Project, Saint Nicholas Choir Litija, Sajeta Creative Camp, Satoration Studio, Schengenfest, Section for Music, Ministry of Culture, Shinafest, - information on Slovene music, Silence, Siti hlapci, Slavko Osterc Memorial Room, Slovene Chamber Choir, Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična, Slovene Clarinet Sextet, Slovene Music Days, Slovene Octet, Slovenian Music Week, Slovenj Gradec Music School, Slovenska popevka Festival, Slowind, Society for the Study of Popular Music, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art, Sound Disobedience, Sound Explicit Festival, Specialka, Spring Festival, Stična Festival, Street Explosion, StrojMachine, Studio Jork, Studio Metro, Studio Tivoli Productions, Studio Činč, Symbolic Orchestra, Synaptic, TRESK Festival, Tartini Festival, Tartini Memorial Collection, Piran, Tartini String Quartet, Terrafolk, The Canyon Observer, The Hoax Program, Thunderbabies, Tolmin Union of Youth Associations, Topographies of Sound Festival, Trbovlje Workers Music Brass Orchestra, Trebnje Municipal Brass Orchestra, Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum, Trnje Festival, Unicum Contemporary Music Festival, Union of Primorska Music Schools, Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape, Vasko Atanasovski Trio, Veter Mixed Youth Choir, Vevče Paperworks Brass Orchestra, Viva - Zagorje Youth Wind Orchestra, Vokalna akademija Ljubljana (VAL), Werefox, Winter Days of Metal Festival, ZARŠ Records, Zasavje Noisefest International, Zebra Dots, ZircuS, Zlatko Kaučič Kombo, Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival, Zmelkoow, Zoc, Čompe, ŠKUC Buba Booking and Promotion, ŠKUC Ropot, Štefan Kovač Marko Banda, Žoambo Žoet Workestrao
Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice), Cirkulacija 2, CrossCommunityCreation Institute, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT), DIVA Station, Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Faculty of Media, Hanna's Atelier for Sonorous Arts, Institute for Sonic Arts Research, International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA), Introduction to New Media Art in Slovenia, KRIK Multimedia Centre Pomurje, MMC Mink Multimedia Centre, MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, Osmo/za, Pivka House of Culture, Projekt Atol Institute, RadioCona, Raz Ume Database, Son:DA, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art, Speculum Artium Festival, TESLA Award, Trbovlje, The New Media Setting, Zank
Aggressive Theatre, Amfiteater Journal, Centre for Theatre and Film Studies Library, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Choregie Festival, Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre, Cultural Garden Katzenberg, Department of Theatre and Radio, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Drama Festival, EKumba Database, EPI Centre, Ex Ponto International Festival, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre, GVR babaLAN Institute, Glej Theatre, Golden Stick Festival, Grum Award, Hanna's Atelier for Sonorous Arts, Klovnbuf Festival, Klub Gromka, Kolektiv Narobov, Konj Puppet Theatre, Koper Theatre, Kranj Puppet Theatre, Linhart Encounter, Maribor Is The Future podcast, Maribor Theatre Festival, Maska Institute, Mini Summer - International Festival for Children, Mini Theatre, Mladinsko Showcase, Mladinsko Theatre, Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival, PUF Festival, Performa Festival, PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival, Priden Možic Cultural Association, Projekt Atol Institute, Rozinteater, SKUP Award, Senzorium Institute for Sensorial Theatre and Research, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Slovene Puppetry Biennial, Slovenian Theatre Institute Library, Summer Puppet Pier Festival, Tone Čufar Theatre, Jesenice, Via Negativa, Vizionar Award, Vzkrik Festival, Week of Slovenian Drama, Šeligo Award, Škofja Loka Passion Play
3rdHand Association, Academy of Fine Arts Collection, Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica, Aggressive Theatre, AiR Celeia Celje, Ante Trstenjak Gallery, Art History Journal, Art Society of Celje, Art Video Institute Ljubljana, Arthouse - College for Visual Arts, Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica, Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress, Asylum Studio, Beli sladoled, Biennial of Graphic Arts, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki, Celje FOKUS Festival, Ceramics Artists and Pottery Makers Association, City Hall Atria, Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity, Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje, Cultural Garden Katzenberg, DIC Gallery, DIVA Station, DLUL Gallery, Department of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, DobraVaga, Domestic Research Society, Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition, European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor, Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics, Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery, Finžgar Gallery, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Forma Viva Open Air Stone Sculpture Collection, Portorož, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, Forum Ljubljana, Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography, France Stele Institute of Art History Library, Gorenje Art Collection, Gulag Institute for Contemporary Arts and Cultures, Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory, Insula-Obala Fine Artists Society, International Ceramics Triennial Unicum, International Meeting of Naïve Artists, Izlake–Zagorje Art Colony, Jakac House, Novo mesto, KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association, KUD Sestava, Kolektiva Institute, Kresija Gallery, Laibach, Lek Collection, Lendava-Lendva Gallery and Museum, Lendava-Lendva International Fine Arts Colony, LiLaPraP Creative Laboratory, LindArt International Young Artists’ Fine Arts Colony, Maribor Fine Artists Society, Mikl House Gallery, Museum of Too Modern Art, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, Nova Gorica Arts Centre, Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute, Photonic Moments – Month of Photography, Projekt Atol Institute, Prosvetno društvo Soča Kanal, Raz Ume Database, Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Robida, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts, SPP Institute for Promotion of Photography, Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU), Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU) Gallery, Small Sculpture Gallery, Son:DA, Strip Core, Stripburger, Stripoteka Collection, Oton Župančič Library, Ljubljana, TR3 Gallery, Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum, U3KRASNE Association, Šivec House Art Gallery
Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Cerkno Museum, Days of Ethnographic Film, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana, Folk Slovenia Cultural Society, Idrija Lace Festival, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, International Council for Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), Slovenia, Jurjevanje in Bela krajina, Lipica Stud Farm, Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica, Museum of Salt Making, Sečovlje, Slovene Ethnological Society, Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO, Summer School of Visual Ethnography, Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape, Škofja Loka Passion Play
Arboretum Volčji Potok, Baraga Homestead, Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog, Birthplace of Fran Saleški Finžgar, Birthplace of France Prešeren, Birthplace of Hugo Wolf, Birthplace of Janez Jalen, Birthplace of Matija Čop, Birthplace of Simon Gregorčič, Vrsno, Bistra Carthusian Monastery, Bled Castle, Bogenšperk Castle, Ciril Kosmač Homestead, Cmurek Castle, Dominican Monastery at Ptuj, Dominko Homestead, Dr Fran Miklošič Memorial Room, Flood Dams, Klavže, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, Francis's Shaft, Franja Partisan Hospital, Fužine Castle, Hrušica - Museum Collection and Archaeological Park, Idrija Kamšt, Idrija Mine Museum, Ipavec House, Jakac House, Novo mesto, Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio, Celje, Kajžnk Manor House, Kavčnik Homestead, Kos Manor House, Kostanjevica Monastery, Križanke, Lendava Castle, Lipica Stud Farm, Liznjek House, Ljubljana Castle, Loka Castle, Louis Adamič Memorial Room, Mali grad, Memorial House of the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Čebine, Memorial Room at Topolšica, Memorial Room of General Rudolf Maister-Vojanov, Voličina, Miner's House - Ethnological Collection, Mithras Shrine I in Spodnja Hajdina, Mithras Shrine III in Zgornji Breg, Murska Sobota Castle, Museum of Hostages, Begunje na Gorenjskem, Olimje Monastery, Oplen House, Ormož Castle, Orpheus Monument, Ptuj, Pantz Forester's Gravity Cableway, Peter Dajnko Homestead, Pleterje Charterhouse Monastery, Pleterje Charterhouse Open Air Museum, Pleteršnik Homestead, Pišece, Plečnik House, Podzemlje Pece, Tourist Mine and Museum, Postojna Cave, Povoden Museum, Ptuj, Praetorian Palace, Predjama Castle, Prem Castle, Prežihov Voranc and Leopold Suhodolčan Memorial Room, Ptuj Castle, Rajhenburg Castle, Roman Brickworks Kiln, Ptuj, Roman Emona, Slovenia Partisan Printing Shop, Snežnik Castle Museum, Stari Pisker Prison, Stična Cistercian Abbey, Tivoli Mansion, Tolmin Museum, Tomaž Godec Museum, Tona’s House - St Peter's Ethnological Collection, Triglav National Park, University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana, Velenje Castle, Velika Nedelja Castle, Virtual Guide to Slovene Museums and Galleries, Zaprice Castle, Šivec House Art Gallery, Škocjan Caves World Heritage Site, Škratelj Homestead
Ante Trstenjak Gallery, Apiculture Museum Krapje, Archaeological Society of Slovenia, Argo Journal, Arheo Journal, Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Association of Slovene Museums, Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology, Baraga Homestead, Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog, Birthplace of Fran Saleški Finžgar, Birthplace of France Prešeren, Birthplace of Hugo Wolf, Birthplace of Janez Jalen, Birthplace of Matija Čop, Birthplace of Simon Gregorčič, Vrsno, Bistra Carthusian Monastery, Blacksmith Museum, Ljutomer, Bled Castle, Bogenšperk Castle, Bohuslav Lavička Pharmaceutical and Medical Collection, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki, Brewery Museum, Centre for Preventive Archaeology, Cerkno Museum, Ciril Kosmač Homestead, Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia, Docomomo Slovenia, Dominko Homestead, Dr Fran Miklošič Memorial Room, Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, Ethnological Collection in Kasarna, Jesenice, Ethnological Collection of Agricultural Implements, Stara Gora, Ethnological Collection of Koper Regional Museum, Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery, Flood Dams, Klavže, Folk Museum Rogaška Slatina, Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor, Forma Viva Open Air Stone Sculpture Collection, Portorož, Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki, France Bevk Homestead, Francis's Shaft, Franja Partisan Hospital, Gasworks Museum, Grubelnik Collection, Ribnica na Pohorju, Historical Society of Southern Primorska, Koper, Idrija Kamšt, Idrija Mine Museum, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Kranj Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljubljana Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Nova Gorica Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Novo mesto Regional Office, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Piran Regional Office, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Slovenia, Ipavec House, Iron-making, Mining and Palaeontologic Collection in Bucelleni-Ruard Manor, Jesenice, Jakac House, Novo mesto, Josip Nikolaj Sadnikar Collection, Kamnik, Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio, Celje, Kajžnk Manor House, Kobarid Museum, Kos Manor House, Kropa Iron Forging Museum, Lake Shed Museum, Cerknica, Lendava-Lendva Gallery and Museum, Lipica Stud Farm, Liznjek House, Ljubljanica River Exhibition, Ljutomer Museum, Loka Castle, Louis Adamič Memorial Room, Memorial House of the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Čebine, Memorial Room at Topolšica, Memorial Room of General Rudolf Maister-Vojanov, Voličina, Memorial Room of Writer Ivan Cankar, Mikl House Gallery, Miner's House - Ethnological Collection, Mithras Shrine I in Spodnja Hajdina, Mithras Shrine III in Zgornji Breg, Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Municipal Museum of Radovljica, Museum of Alpine Dairy Farming, Stara Fužina, Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica, Museum of Hostages, Begunje na Gorenjskem, Museum of Madness, Museum of Post and Telecommunications, Museum of Puppetry, Museum of Salt Making, Sečovlje, Museum of Slovene Police, Museum of Slovenian Film Actors, Museum of the Forestry and Timber Industry, Musical Instruments Collection, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, National Liberation Movement Collection, Središče ob Dravi, National Museum of Contemporary History Library, National Museum of Contemporary History, Brestanica Unit, National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, National Museum of Slovenia Library, Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries, Oplen House, Ormož Castle, Oton Župančič Memorial House, Peter Dajnko Homestead, Photography Museum Maribor, Planica Museum, Pleterje Charterhouse Open Air Museum, Pleteršnik Homestead, Pišece, Plečnik Collection, Plečnik House, Podzemlje Pece, Tourist Mine and Museum, Pohorje Partisan Exhibition, Povoden Museum, Ptuj, Predjama Castle, Prežihov Voranc and Leopold Suhodolčan Memorial Room, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Ormož unit, Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice, Restoration Centre, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS), Semič Local Museum Collection, Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum, Piran, Shoemaker's Museum, Turnišče, Situla Journal, Slavko Osterc Memorial Room, Slovene Art History Society, Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library, Slovene Fire Fighters Museum, Metlika, Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenia Partisan Printing Shop, Slovenian Alpine Museum, Slovenian Cinematheque Museum Department, Slovenian Museum of Natural History Library, Snežnik Castle Museum, Soteska Depot of Vehicles, Stari Pisker Prison, Tartini Memorial Collection, Piran, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Tobacco Museum, Tolmin Museum, Tomaž Godec Museum, Tona’s House - St Peter's Ethnological Collection, Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum, Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia, Valvasor Award, Vaneča Memorial Room – District Committee of the Association of National Liberation War Veterans Murska Sobota, Velika Nedelja Castle, Šivec House Art Gallery, Žalec Institute for Culture, Sport and Tourism
Opposite of category:NIFERTIK
Articles in category "FERTIK"
The following 1,327 pages are in this category, out of 1,327 total.
- A.A.C. Productions
- A Atalanta
- Academic Choir France Prešeren, Kranj
- Academic Choir Tone Tomšič, University of Ljubljana
- Academy of Fine Arts Collection
- Academy of Music Library
- Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra
- Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Acerbic distribution
- Depot:ACH Art Collection
- Depot:Acropolis Quintet
- Acta Analytica
- Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica
- Acta Histriae
- Depot:Adria Airways In-Flight Magazine
- Depot:Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII)
- Aggressive Theatre
- Depot:A.G. Market
- Depot:Ago Tela
- AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia
- AiR Celeia Celje
- Depot:AKD Izbruh
- Depot:Akord Festival Maribor
- Alma Mater Europaea - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (AME ISH)
- Alma M. Karlin Virtual Home
- Depot:Alps-Adriatic Working Community
- Depot:Alzheimer3
- Amala
- Amfiteater Journal
- Amnesty International Slovenia Award
- Depot:Ampak Magazine
- Amper-O-Mat
- Analena
- Ana Pupedan
- Depot:Animation film course
- Annales Journal
- Annales Publishing House
- Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF)
- Antara
- Ante Trstenjak Gallery
- Anthropological Notebooks
- Anton Melik Geographical Institute
- Apiculture Museum Krapje
- Depot:A plus A
- Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See in Slovenia
- Arboretum Volčji Potok
- Archaeological Society of Slovenia
- Archiepiscopal Archives of Ljubljana
- Depot:Architects' Bulletin (ab)
- Archival Association of Slovenia (AAS)
- Archives Journal
- Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
- Argo Journal
- Arheo Journal
- Depot:Arhitekt Magazin
- Depot:Ariart Woodwind Quintet
- Aristej Publishing House
- Armada
- ARNES, Academic and Research Network of Slovenia
- Depot:Ars Fra-Ma Gallery
- Depot:ARS Gallery
- Ars Ramovš
- ARS website database
- Depot:Art Centre - Institute of Youth Culture, Kranj
- Art club & cafe Wetrinsky
- Art History Journal
- Arthouse - College for Visual Arts
- Depot:ArtNetLab
- Arts Academy of the University of Nova Gorica
- Depot:ArtsLink Awards
- Art Society of Celje
- Art Video Institute Ljubljana
- A Short Historical Overview of Slovene Film
- Aškerc Award
- Asociacija, Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers
- Association for Film Culture Development, Maribor
- Depot:Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature
- Depot:Association for Transformation of Social Communication (PIFF)
- Depot:Association of Associations of Slovenia
- Depot:Association of Book Publishers
- Association of Conservators of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
- Depot:Association of Newspapers and Magazines Publishers
- Depot:Association of Radio Stations of Slovenia
- Depot:Association of Slovene Festivals (SloFA)
- Association of Slovene Film Producers
- Association of Slovene Museums
- Depot:Association of Television Stations of Slovenia
- Asylum Studio
- Depot:Atelier 2050
- Depot:Attacca Festival
- Audiovisual Laboratory, Institute of Slovene Ethnology
- Depot:Augeas Stables Cultural Society
- Austrian Cultural Forum, Ljubljana
- Depot:Austrian Institute, Ljubljana
- Depot:Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASRLO), Ljubljana
- Depot:Autodafé
- Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory
- Ave Chamber Choir
- Depot:Avtonomija Magazine
- Depot:B-51 Cultural Society
- Depot:Baladoor Jazz Festival
- Depot:Balkan Incentive Fund for Culture (BIFC)
- Depot:Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o
- Baraga Homestead
- Depot:Barica Blenkuš Drama School
- Depot:Barka tone in bele plombe
- Depot:BaRock Festival
- Depot:Bast
- Baza 13
- Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog
- Beached Whale Festival
- Depot:Behemot Bookshop
- Depot:Beitthron
- Depot:Bekko
- Bela Film
- Bela krajina Youth Cultural Club (MKK Črnomelj)
- Beli sladoled
- Depot:Betetto Award
- Beton Records
- Depot:Betontanc
- Biennial Festival of the Contemporary Puppetry Art LUTKE
- Biennial of Graphic Arts
- Big Band KK
- Big Foot Mama
- Depot:Biomechanics
- Birthplace of France Prešeren
- Birthplace of Fran Saleški Finžgar
- Birthplace of Hugo Wolf
- Birthplace of Janez Jalen
- Birthplace of Matija Čop
- Birthplace of Simon Gregorčič, Vrsno
- Bistra Carthusian Monastery
- Blacksmith Museum, Ljutomer
- Blade Production
- Bled Castle
- Bled Cultural Institute
- Bled Festival
- Depot:Bled Film Festival
- Blitz Film and Video Distribution
- Depot:Bluesland Festival
- Depot:Boben and Lajna Festival
- Bogenšperk Castle
- Bohuslav Lavička Pharmaceutical and Medical Collection
- Borut Kržišnik Symphonic Orchestra
- Bossa de Novo
- Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki
- Depot:Branch Unit II, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS)
- Depot:Bratko Bibič & The Madleys
- Brewery Museum
- Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice)
- Brina
- Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Slovenia
- Broken Lock
- Brumen Award
- Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design
- Buča Bookselling and Publishing
- Bugbrain Studio
- Business Support Centre (BSC) Ltd, Kranj
- Butik Festival
- Depot:Café Open
- Depot:Café Teater
- Camerata Labacensis
- Depot:Cancel
- Cantemus Kamnik Mixed Choir
- Capuchin Monastery Archives and Library, Škofja Loka
- Capuchin Monastery Library, Krško
- Carinthia Cantat Mixed Chamber Choir
- Depot:Carniola Festival, Summer in Kranj
- Castles of Slovenia -
- Celica Hostel
- Celje Central Library
- Depot:Celje FOKUS Festival
- Celje Music School
- Depot:Celje Regional Development Agency, Savinjska Region
- Depot:Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD)
- Central Technological Library, University of Ljubljana
- Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Peace Institute
- Depot:Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Studies, University of Maribor
- Centre for Media Policy, Peace Institute
- Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language
- Centre for Theatre and Film Studies, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Centre for Theatre and Film Studies Library, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Ceramics Artists and Pottery Makers Association
- Cerknica Culture House
- Cerkno Museum
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS)
- Chamber of Media Providers
- Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling
- Depot:Cheap Tunes Records
- Depot:Choregie Festival
- Cinemania Group
- Depot:Cinematheque Society
- Ciril Kosmač Homestead
- Cirkulacija 2
- City Hall Atria
- Club Marathon
- Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity
- C.M.A.K. Cerkno
- CMEPIUS - Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes
- Cmurek Castle
- Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia
- Depot:CodeEp
- Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe
- Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje
- Confucius Institute, Ljubljana
- Consortium Musicum Ljubljana
- Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens
- Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Bitola
- Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Limassol
- Consulate of the Republic of Austria in Maribor
- Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia in St.Pölten
- Depot:Consulate of the Republic of Slovenia Mechelen
- Depot:Consulate of Ukraine in Celje
- Continental Film/Con Film
- Copyright Agency of Slovenia Ltd
- Depot:Corkscrew
- Corn Seed Association, K Zrnovič Puppet Theatre
- CPZ (Cela pametna založba)
- Creative Commons Slovenia
- Depot:Creative Platform Inde
- CrossCommunityCreation Institute
- Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT)
- Depot:Cultural Contact Point Slovenia
- Cultural Garden Katzenberg
- Culture from Slovenia World Map
- Cvinger Film
- Depot:Cyberpipe
- Dan D
- Dandelion Children
- Days of Ethnographic Film
- Depot:Days of Slovenian popular music
- Deca Debilane
- DeepEnd!
- Defonija
- Dejmo Stisnt Theatre
- Dej še'n litro Brass Band
- Depot:Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor
- Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre
- Delavski dom Zagorje Cultural Centre
- Delo Newspaper
- Depot:Delta, Journal for Women's Studies and Feminist Theory
- Depot:Demeter
- Demiurg
- Demolition Group
- De Musica Disserenda Journal
- Department of Archaeology Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Asian Studies Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Classics Library
- Department of Classics, University of Ljubljana
- Depot:Department of Comparative and General Linguistics Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Dramaturgy and Performing Arts, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Department of Educational Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Educational Sciences, University of Ljubljana
- Department of English Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Film and Television, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Department of History Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of History, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Musicology Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Musicology, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Painting, Sculpture and Restoration Library, Academy of Fine Arts and Design
- Department of Philosophy Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Psychology Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Restoration, Academy of Fine Arts and Design
- Department of Slavistics, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Sociology Library, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana
- Departments of Slovenian Studies and Slavistics Library, University of Ljubljana
- De Profundis Chamber Choir
- Design Biotop
- Development Centre Novo mesto, South East Slovenia Region
- Dežurni krivci
- Depot:Dharmafilm Society
- DIC Gallery
- Depot:Dicky B. Hardy
- Didakta Magazine
- Diocesan Archives of Koper
- Directors Guild of Slovenia
- Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia
- DLUL Gallery
- Dnevnik Newspaper
- DobraVaga
- Docomomo Slovenia
- Depot:DokMa International Film Festival
- Domestic Research Society
- Dominican Monastery at Ptuj
- Dominko Homestead
- Domžale Chamber Choir
- Domžale Library
- Don't Make New People
- Dragon Award
- Depot:Drama Festival
- Dr Fran Miklošič Memorial Room
- DRMK - Collective for Development of Youth Culture
- DRPPD - Association for Development of Preventative and Volunteer Work
- Dr Tone Pretnar Library, Tržič
- Depot:DruGod
- DrumWise
- Družina Krumpak Ltd
- Družina Publishing House
- Depot:Džjezz Festival
- Earresistible Mastering
- Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia
- Educa Publishing House
- Educational Research Institute (ERI)
- EEA and Norway Grants
- Ekran, Magazine for Film and Television
- EKumba Database
- Depot:Electric Rats Dream Video Dreams
- Elvis Jackson
- Depot:Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Slovenia
- Depot:Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia
- Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Slovenia
- Depot:Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Slovenia
- Depot:Embassy of the Republic of Finland in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Addis Ababa
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Algiers
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Skopje
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tel Aviv
- Depot:EMC Multimedia Centre
- Emona, Legacy of a Roman City
- Depot:Emona Promenade Festival
- E-motion Film
- Depot:Emzin Arts Magazine
- Depot:Emzin Institute of Creative Production
- Depot:Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition
- Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival
- EnKnapGroup (EKG)
- Depot:Enterprise for Bourgeois Arts
- Depot:Entreat
- Depot:Enzo Fabiani Quartet
- Depot:EPEKA Gallery
- Depot:Epicenter - DZS Bookstore
- EPI Centre
- Ethnological Collection in Kasarna, Jesenice
- Ethnological Collection of Agricultural Implements, Stara Gora
- Ethnological Collection of Koper Regional Museum
- Depot:Etnika International World Music Festival
- Etnolog (Ethnologist) Journal
- EUNIC Slovenia
- Depot:Europa Cantat Festival 2021 Ljubljana
- European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies (ECERS), University of Maribor
- Depot:European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia
- European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor
- Depot:European Documentation Centre
- European Festivals Association (EFA)
- European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR)
- Depot:European Piccolo Festival
- Depot:European Triennial of Small Sculpture
- Depot:Ex-garage
- Depot:Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts
- Depot:Ex Ponto International Festival
- Talk:Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics
- Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics
- Depot:Eye on Film Festival
- Fabjan Hafner Translation Award
- Fabrika 13 Audio Mastering and Restoration
- Fabula Film Production
- Depot:Factor Bank Art Collection
- Faculty of Architecture Library, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor
- Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Education Library, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Education, University of Maribor
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor
- Faculty of Humanities Koper, University of Primorska
- Faculty of Media
- Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
- Fake Orchestra
- Depot:FAK Festival of Alternative Culture
- Depot:Familija
- Depot:Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts
- Fatamorgana
- Felix Bookshops
- Depot:Festival at the Border
- Festival Hall
- Festival Ljubljana Public Institute
- Festival Maribor
- Depot:Festival of European and Mediterranean Film
- Festival of Independent Film
- Depot:Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music
- Depot:Festival of Monodrama, Ptuj
- Festival of Slovenian Film
- Depot:Festival Performa & Platforma
- Depot:FF600 Film Festival
- FilmFlow
- Depot:Film Mixer Independent Film Festival
- Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- Filmska praksa PLAN 9
- Film Union of Slovenia
- Filofest International Student Film and Video Festival
- Filter Society (DZU Filter)
- Finžgar Gallery
- FIPRESCI Slovenia Award
- Fit media Ltd
- Fivia
- FKK - Festival of Culture Kostanjevica
- Depot:Flow Festival Ljubljana
- Depot:Folio Magazine
- Folk Slovenia Cultural Society
- Forma Viva Open Air Sculpture Collection, Maribor
- Forma Viva Open Air Stone Sculpture Collection, Portorož
- Forma Viva Open Air Wood Sculpture Collection, Kostanjevica na Krki
- Forum Ljubljana
- Depot:Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography
- Franc Bernik Culture House, Domžale
- France Balantič Public Library Kamnik
- France Bevk Public Library Nova Gorica
- France Stele Institute of Art History Library
- Depot:Franc-Franc Publishing
- Franciscan Archives and Library, Kamnik
- Franciscan Archives and Library, Ljubljana
- Franciscan Archives and Library, Novo mesto
- Francis's Shaft
- Franja Partisan Hospital
- Fran Korun Koželjski Music School, Velenje
- Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- French Institute in Slovenia
- Depot:Freyer Theatre Ljubljana
- Front Rock
- Fru Fru Puppet Theatre
- Fužine Castle
- FV Music
- Depot:FV Music Festival
- Depot:Gajo Jazz Club
- Gala Hala
- Gallus Foundation
- Gallus J. Carniolus Institute
- Depot:Ganes Pratt
- Depot:Garage Explosion Festival
- Gasworks Museum
- Gea College of Entrepreneurship Library, Piran
- GIG Music Agency
- Glazer Award of the City of Maribor
- Glej Theatre
- Glitterbeat Records
- Depot:Global Theatre
- Depot:Godalika
- Depot:God Bless This Mess Festival
- God Bless This Mess Records
- Goethe-Institut Ljubljana
- Goga Bookshop
- Depot:Goga Music
- Goga Publishing House
- Depot:Golden Bird Award
- Golden Roll Award
- Depot:Golden Stick Festival
- Gora Rocka
- Gorenje Art Collection
- Gornja Radgona Municipal Library
- Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
- Government Communication Office
- Government Office for Slovenians Abroad
- Graduate School, University of Nova Gorica
- Depot:Grand CUP Award
- Grossmann Award
- Grosuplje Library
- Depot:Grrizli Madams
- Grubelnik Collection, Ribnica na Pohorju
- Depot:Gruber Gallery
- Grum Award
- Gulag Institute for Contemporary Arts and Cultures
- Gustav Film
- GVR babaLAN Institute
- Depot:HAIP Festival
- Hanna's Atelier for Sonorous Arts
- Herman Potočnik Noordung and Vitanje
- Depot:Hic et Nunc
- Hiša
- Depot:HISTeRIA Festival
- Historical Archives Celje
- Historical Archives Ljubljana
- Historical Archives Ljubljana: Dolenjska and Bela Krajina Unit, Novo mesto
- Historical Archives Ljubljana: Gorenjska Unit, Kranj
- Historical Archives Ljubljana: Idrija Unit
- Historical Archives Ljubljana: Škofja Loka Unit
- Historical Review
- Historical Society of Celje
- Historical Society of Southern Primorska, Koper
- Depot:Hladilnica Gallery, Pekarna
- House of Culture Celje
- Iamdisease
- Depot:I.D.I.O.T Group
- Idrija City Library and Reading Room
- Idrija Lace Festival
- Idrija Mine Museum
- Depot:Igor Lumpert Trio
- Illegal Kru
- Im-puls Music Management
- Depot:Incurabili
- Depot:Indie-grad
- Info-DUM (Home of Youth Creation)
- Infofilm
- Depot:Information Office of the Council of Europe
- Infoshop Metelkova
- In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival
- Institute for Ethnic Studies Library and Archives
- Institute for Historical Studies, SRC Koper
- Institute for Linguistic Studies, SRC Koper
- Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies, SRC Koper
- Depot:Institute for Music Information Science
- Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Celje Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Kranj Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljubljana Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Nova Gorica Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Novo mesto Regional Office
- Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Piran Regional Office
- Institute of Civilisation and Culture (ICK)
- Institute of Contemporary History
- Institute of Cultural History
- Institute of Ethnomusicology
- Institute of Ethnomusicology Sound Archive and Studio
- Institute of Musicology Library
- Institute of Slovene Ethnology
- Institute of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
- Institute of Strategy and Development Analysis (IRSA)
- Institution for the Information Activity of the Hungarian National Community
- Instituto Cervantes Liubliana
- Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (ISH) Library
- Insula-Obala Fine Artists Society
- International Ceramics Triennial Unicum
- International Conference
- International Council for Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), Slovenia
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Slovenia
- International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), Slovenia
- International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns
- International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA)
- International Golden Boat Translation Workshop
- International Institute for Archival Science (IIAS)
- International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)
- International Meeting of Naïve Artists
- Introduction to New Media Art in Slovenia
- Ipavec House
- Ipavska Chamber Choir
- IPF - Institute for Protection of Phonogram Performers and Producers Rights
- Iron-making, Mining and Palaeontologic Collection in Bucelleni-Ruard Manor, Jesenice
- Italian Cultural Institute, Ljubljana
- It's Everyone Else
- Ivan Cankar Institute Vrhnika
- Depot:Izidor Award
- Izola Centre for Culture, Sport and Events
- Depot:Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival
- Depot:Izzven Jazz Festival, Maribor
- Jakac House, Novo mesto
- Jararaja
- Javnost - The Public Journal
- Depot:Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival
- Jazz & Blues Records
- Jazz Cerkno Festival
- Jazz Cerkno Institute
- Jazzon Award
- Jerman Award
- Jesenice Municipal Library
- Jesuit Archives, Ljubljana
- Ježek Award
- Jimmy Barka Experience
- Josip Nikolaj Sadnikar Collection, Kamnik
- Josip Pelikan Photographic Studio, Celje
- Jota Music Agency
- Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology
- Depot:Jože Babič Award
- Jožef Stefan Institute
- Jože Goričar Central Social Sciences Library, University of Ljubljana
- Jože Mazovec Library
- Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica
- Depot:Jurcer, Inner World Theatre Production Company
- Depot:Jurčič Award
- Depot:Jure Pukl Quartet
- Jurjevanje in Bela krajina
- Juršče Culture House
- Kajžnk Manor House
- KAMERAT Labour Film Festival
- Kamfest
- KAPA Association for Cultural and Artistic Production
- KAPA Audio Studio
- Karantanija Cinemas
- Karantanija Publishing House
- Kar Češ Brass Band
- Karel Pečko Foundation
- Katalena
- Kataman - Association for Artistic Production
- Katice
- Kavčnik Homestead
- Depot:KD Artes Collection
- Keltika International Festival
- Keria, Studia Latina et Graeca Journal
- Kersnikova Institute
- Kingfisher Award
- Kinoatelje
- Kinoatelje Institute
- Kinodvor Cinema
- Depot:Kinoklub Vič
- Kino Komuna
- Kino! Magazine for Cinema and Cinematic Issues
- Kino Otok Award
- Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival
- Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
- Kino! Society for Expanding Film Culture
- Kinotečnik
- Kino Velenje
- Depot:KK Contemporary Jazz Ensemble
- Kleemar
- Klopotec
- Klovnbuf Festival
- Klub Channel Zero
- Klub Gromka
- Klub K4
- Klub Menza pri koritu
- Klub Monokel
- Klub Tiffany
- Klub Zakon
- Depot:Kluže Ambient Festival
- Knafelj Foundation, Vienna
- Kobarid Museum
- Kočevje Library
- Depot:Kodak Award
- Kogoj’s Days
- Kolektiva Institute
- Kolektiv Narobov
- Kolosej Cinemas
- Kolosej De Luxe Kranj
- Depot:Kolosej Koper
- Kolosej Ljubljana
- Kombinat Choir
- Depot:Komunikativa Group
- Konj Puppet Theatre
- KONS Literary Award
- Depot:Koperground Festival
- Koper Music School
- Koper Regional Development Centre, Coast-Carst Region
- Koper Theatre
- Kos Manor House
- Kosovel Culture House Sežana
- Kosovel Library, Sežana
- Kostanjevica Monastery
- Kotlovnica Youth Centre
- Kozina Award
- Kranj City Library
- Kranj Puppet Theatre
- Depot:Kranjska Artists Support Society
- Depot:Krastival Open Air Festival
- Krawal Festival
- Kresija Gallery
- Kresnik Award
- Kres Publishing House
- KRIK Multimedia Centre Pomurje
- Kristina Brenkova Award
- Križanke
- Kronika
- Kropa Iron Forging Museum
- KUD Anarhiv
- Depot:KUD France Prešeren Arts and Culture Association
- Depot:KUD France Prešeren Gallery
- KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association
- KUD Sestava
- Depot:KUHNA Music Association
- KULA Journal
- Depot:KULT3000
- Depot:Kulturnica Bookshop, Velenje
- Depot:Kurja polt Genre Film Festival
- Kurz Rock Vibe
- KvinTon
- Laibach
- Lake Shed Museum, Cerknica
- Depot:Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting
- Laško Public Library
- Depot:La Vie en Rose Festival of Chanson
- Lavrič Library, Ajdovščina
- Lavrin Diploma
- Legal Information Centre for NGOs (LIC)
- Legal Information Centre Maribor (PIP Maribor)
- Lek Collection
- Lenart Library
- Lendava Castle
- Lendava-Lendva Gallery and Museum
- Lendava-Lendva International Fine Arts Colony
- Lendava-Lendva Library
- Lesce Brass Orchestra
- LGBT Film Festival
- Depot:Liberal Academy, Association for Political Democracy and Liberalism Research
- Library Association of Dolenjska
- Library Association of Gorenjska
- Library Association of Pomurje
- Library, Journal of Library and Information Science
- Lighting Guerrilla Festival
- LiLaPraP Creative Laboratory
- Liminal, Institute for Social Transfusion, Creative and Applied Science
- LindArt International Young Artists’ Fine Arts Colony
- Linhart Encounter
- Lipica Stud Farm
- Liszt Institute Ljubljana
- Depot:Litera Bookshop
- Depot:Literodrom
- Litija Library
- Litošt
- Depot:Little Flying Circus
- Depot:Little Prince Award
- Depot:Live After Death Festival
- Liznjek House
- Ljubljana Castle
- Ljubljana City Library
- Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival
- Ljubljana Festival
- Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO)
- Ljubljana Madrigalists Chamber Choir
- Ljubljana Network of Info Points (L'MIT)
- Depot:Ljubljana Octet
- Depot:Ljubljana String Quartet
- Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
- Ljubljanica River Exhibition
- Ljubljanski grad Public Institute
- Depot:Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
- Ljutomer Culture House
- Ljutomer Public Library
- Logatec Library
- Logos Cultural Society (KUD Logos)
- Logos Journal
- Depot:Lojze Slak Ensemble
- Loka Castle
- Loka in the Snow Festival
- Lokev Culture House
- Louis Adamič Memorial Room
- Depot:Love Festival
- Ludovik Material
- Luksuz Cheap Film Festival
- Luksuz Production
- Lydia Wisiakova Prize
- Depot:M3C Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia
- Depot:Magdalena Golden Bra Award
- Depot:Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication
- Depot:Magdalenca Festival of World Cultures
- Depot:Maja Osojnik Band
- Maksa Samsa Library, Ilirska Bistrica
- Depot:Mala Gallery
- Mali grad
- Mantuani Award
- Maribor Academic Choir
- Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012
- Maribor Fine Artists Society
- Depot:Maribor International Orchestra 2012
- Maribor Is The Future podcast
- Maribor Theatre Festival
- Depot:Marjan Lovšin Gallery
- Mars Music
- Maska Institute
- Depot:Mat kultra
- Matrix Music
- MD7 Contemporary Music Ensemble
- Depot:Media Desk Slovenia
- Depot:Mediafest, Festival of Contemporary Music and Digital Art, Celje
- Depot:Media Watch
- Depot:Media Watch Magazine
- Depot:Mediterranean Festival, Izola
- Medvode Library
- Depot:Melodrom
- Memefest Awards
- Memorial House of the Founding Congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia in Čebine
- Memorial Room at Topolšica
- Memorial Room of General Rudolf Maister-Vojanov, Voličina
- Memorial Room of Writer Ivan Cankar
- Menart Records
- Mentor Magazine
- Depot:Metalcamp
- Metlika People’s Library
- MIKK Youth Information Cultural Club, Murska Sobota
- Mikl House Gallery
- Mikl House Library
- Mile Klopčič Library, Zagorje ob Savi
- Milka and Metod Badjura Award
- Milko Kos Historical Institute
- Depot:Minimal Studio
- Mini Summer - International Festival for Children
- Mini Theatre
- Minorite St Petrus and Paulus Monastery Archives and Library, Ptuj
- Minoriti Summer Open Air Cinema
- Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto
- Depot:Miss.Bee
- Mithras Shrine III in Zgornji Breg
- Mithras Shrine I in Spodnja Hajdina
- Depot:MJ Manifesta Journal
- Depot:MKC Koper Youth and Culture Centre
- Mladina Magazine
- Mladinsko Showcase
- Mladinsko Theatre
- MMC Mink Multimedia Centre
- MMC Pulsar Multimedia Centre
- Depot:MMM Art - Medana International Fine Arts Workshop
- Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
- Depot:Modrijan Bookshop
- Depot:Modrijan Publishing House
- Moja Slovenija Magazine
- Monitor ISH, Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Depot:Monkibo
- Depot:Monodrama Award
- Monoo
- Moonlee Records
- Depot:Mosaic Gallery
- MoTA Museum of Transitory Art
- Depot:MotörCity Festival
- Mountain Film Festival
- Moveknowledgement
- Mozirje Central Library
- Depot:Multimedia Centre of Dolenjska (MCD)
- Municipality of Bled
- Municipality of Idrija
- Municipality of Kranjska Gora
- Municipality of Ptuj
- Municipality of Škofja Loka
- Municipal Museum of Radovljica
- Depot:Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje Region
- Murko Award
- Murska Sobota Castle
- Murska Sobota Regional and Study Library
- Depot:Museum Collection of the Soča Front at Sveta Gora
- Museum of Alpine Dairy Farming, Stara Fužina
- Museum of Apiculture, Radovljica
- Museum of Hostages, Begunje na Gorenjskem
- Museum of Madness
- Depot:Museum of Medicine, Institute for the History of Medicine
- Museum of Post and Telecommunications
- Museum of Puppetry
- Museum of Salt Making, Sečovlje
- Museum of Slovene Police
- Museum of Slovenian Film Actors
- Museum of the Forestry and Timber Industry
- Museum of Too Modern Art
- Musical Instruments Collection, Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum
- Music Friends Association, Koper
- Musicological Annual
- Music Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- Nada Žagar Youth Club (MKNŽ)
- Depot:NagiB Contemporary Dance Festival
- Naio Ssaion
- Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival
- Depot:Napravi mi dete
- Depot:Nastati, Institute for Art Projects and Creative Solutions
- National Council for Culture
- National Liberation Movement Collection, Središče ob Dravi
- National Museum of Contemporary History, Brestanica Unit
- National Museum of Contemporary History Library
- National Museum of Slovenia Library
- Depot:National Theatre Museum of Slovenia
- Depot:New European Theatre Action (NETA)
- Night Window Display Gallery Pešak
- Depot:No Border Jam Festival
- Noctiferia
- Depot:Noise Festival
- Depot:No Limits
- Depot:NONmusic
- Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet
- Nova Gorica Arts Centre
- Novi kolektivizem (NK)
- Depot:Novi val - New Wave Košak Film and Video Production
- NUK Manuscript Collection and Early Printed Collection
- NUK Music Collection
- Obala Koper Mixed Choir
- Obalne galerije - Coastal Galleries
- Obzorja Publishing House
- Octex
- Depot:OFF Oboe Bassoon Festival
- Ofis Arhitekti
- Olimje Monastery
- On Parole Productions
- Depot:Operela Stipend Fund
- Oplen House
- Depot:Oris Magazine
- Orkestrada
- Ormož Castle
- Orpheus Monument, Ptuj
- Orto Bar
- Osmo/za
- Otok Cultural Institute
- Oton Župančič Library
- Oton Župančič Memorial House
- Depot:Pandamonium
- Panika Records
- Pantz Forester's Gravity Cableway
- Depot:Paranoid Open Air Festival
- P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute
- Pavel Golia Library, Trebnje
- Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
- Peace Institute Library
- Depot:Pegaz Film
- Performa Festival
- Depot:Personal–Collective Festival
- Peter Dajnko Homestead
- Photography Museum Maribor
- Photonic Moments – Month of Photography
- Depot:Pia and Pino Mlakar Award
- Pika's Festival
- Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre
- Piran Days of Architecture
- Piranesi Award
- Piranesi Foundation
- Pivec Publishing House
- Pivka House of Culture
- Planica Museum
- Depot:PlatformaSCCA Magazine
- Plečnik Collection
- Plečnik House
- Depot:PLESkavica Festival
- Pleterje Charterhouse Monastery
- Pleterje Charterhouse Open Air Museum
- Pleteršnik Homestead, Pišece
- Pocket Teater Studio
- Podzemlje Pece, Tourist Mine and Museum
- Depot:PoEtika Film School
- Poetry Tournament
- Pohorje Partisan Exhibition
- Police Orchestra
- Poligrafi Journal
- Depot:Pomurska Publishing House
- Depot:Postojna Blues Festival
- Postojna Cave
- Povoden Museum, Ptuj
- Praetorian Palace
- Depot:Praznine Magazine
- Depot:Predihano Series of New Music
- Predjama Castle
- Depot:PreGlej
- Depot:PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival
- Depot:Prekmurje Noise Conspiracy (P-N-C)
- Prem Castle
- Depot:Premiera Magazine
- Pre-School Education and Grammar School, Ljubljana
- Prešeren Award and Prešeren Foundation Awards
- Preš
- Depot:Prešernova družba Publishing
- Prežihov Voranc and Leopold Suhodolčan Memorial Room
- Prežihov Voranc Library
- Priden Možic Cultural Association
- Depot:Primorska srečanja (Primorska Meetings)
- Projekt Atol Institute
- Prosvetno društvo Soča Kanal
- Depot:Prulček Spring Festival
- Ptuj Castle
- PUF Festival
- Depot:Puna Syndicate
- Punk Rock Holiday
- Radenska Museum Collection
- Radio Capodistria
- Radio Maribor
- Radio Production Unit, RTV Slovenia
- Radio Slovenia
- Radio Slovenia First Channel - A1 (RA SLO 1)
- Depot:Radio Študent Benefit Festival
- Radio Študent (RŠ)
- Radojka Vrančič Award
- Radovljica Early Music Society
- Railway Museum of Slovenske železnice
- Rajhenburg Castle
- Random Logic
- Rast Magazine
- Razpotja Journal
- Razvezani jezik - The Unleashed Tongue
- RDEČI NOSKI Clowndoctors
- Depot:RDYO Djs
- Depot:Reartikulacija Project
- ReflektorMusic Agency
- Regional Archives Koper
- Regional Archives Koper, Piran Branch
- Regional Archives Maribor
- Depot:Regional Archives Maribor, Ravne na Koroškem Unit
- Research Centre for Humanities
- Residence Centre Cankarjeva
- Res Nullius
- Depot:Restart Ltd
- Restoration Centre, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS)
- Depot:Retrovizor
- Depot:Revija 2000
- Depot:River Man Award
- Rnka Rnka
- Robida
- Depot:Rock Batuje
- Depot:Rock Vibe Music Promotion (RVMP)
- Rogaška Slatina Library
- R.O.G. Skatepark
- Rokus Klett Publishing House
- Roman Brickworks Kiln, Ptuj
- Roman Emona
- Depot:Rotor
- Rozinteater
- RSL Production, Novo mesto
- Depot:RTD Website - Research and Technology Development in Slovenia
- RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir
- RTV Slovenia Studio 22, Maribor
- Depot:Ruins Matador
- eBookstore
- Russian Center of Science and Culture, Ljubljana
- Russian Centre, Maribor
- Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre Library, Ljubljana
- Rx:tx
- Saint Nicholas Choir Litija
- Sajeta Creative Camp
- Depot:Salamandra Salamandra
- Depot:Samovar Records
- Depot:Satchmo Jazz Club
- Satoration Studio
- SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts
- Depot:Schengenfest
- Depot:School of Audio Engineering (SAE) Institute, Slovene Branch
- School of Humanities, University of Nova Gorica
- Depot:Schwarz Gallery
- Schwentner Award
- Science and Research Centre of Koper (SRC Koper)
- Scientific Research Institute of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- Semič Local Museum Collection
- Seminary Library, Ljubljana
- Senzorium Institute for Sensorial Theatre and Research
- Serbian Cultural Centre Danilo Kiš
- Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum, Piran
- Sever Award
- Sever & Sever Production
- Depot:Shakemoon Animation Studio
- Depot:Shinafest
- Shoemaker's Museum, Turnišče
- Shots International Short Film Festival
- Depot:Show Your Tongue International School of Scriptwriting
- - information on Slovene music
- SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre
- Sinfo Magazine
- Sinhro Studio 100
- Depot:Sinkronics Crew
- Siti hlapci
- Situla Journal
- Depot:SKUP Award
- Slavia Centralis Journal
- Slavko Osterc Memorial Room
- Slovene Anthropological Society
- Slovene Art History Society
- Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, Berlin
- Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, London
- Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, New York
- Slovene Arts & Culture Residency, Vienna
- Slovene Association of Antique and Humanistic Studies
- Slovene Chamber Choir
- Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična
- Slovene Clarinet Sextet
- Slovene Comparative Literature Association
- Slovene Emigrant Association
- Slovene Ethnographic Museum Library
- Slovene Ethnological Society
- Slovene Ethnological Society Bulletin
- Depot:Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP)
- Slovene Fire Fighters Museum, Metlika
- Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund
- Depot:Slovene Literary Language Dictionary
- Slovene Music Days
- Slovene National and Study Library in Trieste
- Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
- Slovene Publishers Society
- Slovene Puppetry Biennial
- Slovene Puppetry Biennial Prizes
- Slovene Research Agency (ARRS)
- Slovene School Museum Library
- Slovene Science Foundation
- Slovene Society of Aesthetics
- Slovene Study Library in Klagenfurt
- Slovene Writers' Association Residency Programme
- Slovene Young Ballet Dancers Competition
- Slovenian Alpine Museum
- Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU)
- Slovenia National Commission for UNESCO
- Slovenian Authors' Society (ZAMP)
- Slovenian Cinematheque
- Slovenian Cinematheque Film Archive Department
- Slovenian Cinematheque Library
- Slovenian Cinematheque Museum Department
- Depot:Slovenian Clarinet Quartet
- Depot:Slovenia News
- Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers' Guilds
- Slovenian Film Centre
- Slovenian Film Database
- Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
- Slovenian Migration Institute
- Slovenian Museum of Natural History Library
- Depot:Slovenian Music Week
- Slovenian Organization of Authors and Publishers for Reproduction Rights (SAZOR)
- Depot:Slovenian Scientific Institute Vienna
- Slovenian Theatre Institute Library
- Slovenian Tourist Board
- Slovenia Poetry International Web
- Slovenia Times
- Slovenj Gradec Music School
- Depot:Slovenska popevka Festival
- Slovenske Konjice Public Library
- Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies Journal
- Slowenischer Lesesaal, Graz
- Depot:Slowenischer Lesesaal, Regensburg
- Slowind
- Depot:Slowind Festival
- Small Sculpture Gallery
- Snežnik Castle Museum
- Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Ljubljana
- Society for the Study of Popular Music
- Sociomedical Institute
- Solar Pulse Music
- Depot:Son:DA
- Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art
- Sora Cinema, Škofja Loka
- Soteska Depot of Vehicles
- Sound Disobedience
- Sound Explicit Festival
- South Africa Ithuba Project
- Specialka
- Speculum Artium Festival
- SPIRIT Slovenia Public Agency
- SPP Institute for Promotion of Photography
- Depot:Spring Festival
- Staragara
- Stari Pisker Prison
- Statistics about Slovenia
- Depot:Stekli psi
- Stična Cistercian Abbey
- Stična Cistercian Abbey Archives
- Stična Festival
- Stiropor Collective
- Depot:STOP Magazine
- Depot:STOP Magazine Award
- SToP Slovene Percussion Project
- Stoptrik International Film Festival
- Depot:Street Explosion
- Depot:Strictly Analog Festival
- Stripburger
- Strip Core
- Stripoteka Collection, Oton Župančič Library, Ljubljana
- StrojMachine
- Studia Mythologica Slavica
- Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute
- Studio Arkadena
- Studio Činč
- Studio Jork
- Studio Maj
- Studio Metro
- Studio Ritem
- Studio Tivoli Productions
- Depot:Studio Zadruga
- Summer Puppet Pier Festival
- Summer School Bovec
- Summer School of Visual Ethnography
- Depot:Superlizo
- Depot:Svarog - Club for Independent Film
- Depot:Svobodna misel Magazine
- Symbolic Orchestra
- Synaptic
- Ščit - Conservatory Centre of the City Museum of Ljubljana
- Šeligo Award
- Šentjur Public Library
- Šerpa Literary Art Association
- Širom
- Šiška Library
- Šivec House Art Gallery
- Depot:Šklabfest
- Škocjan Caves World Heritage Site
- Škofja Loka Passion Play
- Škratelj Homestead
- Depot:Škrip Orkestra
- ŠKUC Buba Booking and Promotion
- ŠKUC Ropot
- Šmarje pri Jelšah Library
- Šolsko polje (School Field Journal)
- Štefan Kovač Marko Banda
- Štrekelj Award
- Depot:Študentska založba Publishing House
- Depot:T5 Project Space
- Tartini Festival
- Tartini Memorial Collection, Piran
- Tartini String Quartet
- Technical Museum of Slovenia
- Televizija Slovenija
- Depot:Temponauta
- Teorija in praksa Journal
- Terrafolk
- TESLA Award
- The Canyon Observer
- The First Records in Slovenian Language
- Depot:The Kojn
- Depot:Theremidi Orchestra
- Thunderbabies
- Depot:Tide
- Depot:TILT
- TiPovej Institute
- Tivoli Mansion
- Tobacco Museum
- Tolmin Museum
- Tolmin Union of Youth Associations
- Tomaž Godec Museum
- Tomaž Šalamun Poetry Centre
- Tona’s House - St Peter's Ethnological Collection
- Tone Čufar Theatre, Jesenice
- Tone Seliškar Library, Trbovlje
- Topographies of Sound Festival
- Depot:Toronto Drug Bust
- Depot:Tovarna Rog
- Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia
- TR3 Gallery
- Transgenerations Festival of Youth Creativity
- Trbovlje, The New Media Setting
- Trbovlje Workers Music Brass Orchestra
- Trebnje Municipal Brass Orchestra
- TRESK Festival
- Tribute to a Vision Film Festival
- Triglav National Park
- Triglavska Roža Information Centre
- Depot:Trimo Architectural Awards
- Depot:Trnfest Festival
- Trnje Festival
- Depot:TRUS!
- TV Maribor
- U3KRASNE Association
- Učila International Publishing House
- Depot:Uho; oko: Institute
- Unicum Contemporary Music Festival
- Union of Cultural Societies of Slovenia (ZKDS)
- Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia
- University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana
- University of Maribor
- University of Maribor Library
- University of Nova Gorica
- University of Nova Gorica Library
- Uršula Ramoveš in Fantje z Jazbecove grape
- Ursuline Archives, Ljubljana
- Depot:Vajkard, International Workshop of Art and Design
- Valvasor Award
- Valvasor Library, Krško
- Vaneča Memorial Room – District Committee of the Association of National Liberation War Veterans Murska Sobota
- Vasko Atanasovski Trio
- Večer Newspaper
- Versopolis
- Vertigo
- Via Negativa
- Viba Film Studio
- Viktor Award
- Virtual Guide to Slovene Museums and Galleries
- Visions Festival of Young Theatre Groups
- Depot:Vlastja Photographic Museum
- Vokalna akademija Ljubljana (VAL)
- Depot:Vzkrik Festival