Depot:Radio Študent Benefit Festival


Radio Študent Benefit Festival
Festival dates24.11.2017

Radio Student still organises plenty of events and festivals. This one, however, is not taking place anymore.

Archival article

In the autumn of 2013, Radio Študent (RŠ) has – due to its pressing financial difficulties – organised a benefit festival called Reši RŠ [Save RŠ]. The event was held at Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone, utilising more or less all of its many clubs and galleries for music concerts, poetry readings, photography exhibitions and artistic performances. With about 2500 people attending, the event was a success and has since than turned into an annual festival that presents a diverse musical line-up (from jazz and techno to hip hop and grindcore), joined by lectures, workshops and various other activities.

Each year, the concept and name of the festival are a bit different, and its main characteristic is defined by a musical programme happening in all the Metelkova clubs, all of them accessible by a single entrance fee. As for example, in 2014 the event was called Kdo rabi Študenta? [Who needs the Student?], and in 2015, the festival celebrated 15 years of Club Marathon and hosted a selection of its most prominent participants.

Radio Student birthday

Radio Študent (RŠ) has a similar festival in spring, when it celebrates its birthday, and this event was actually the one that has quite some time ago introduced the idea of the whole Metelkova being used for one event – a model now, as for example, being used by MENT Ljubljana. Foreign guests are also sometime invited.

Musical programme

Numerous Slovenian alternative musicians and Djs have been featured at the festival, amongst them being Dubzilla, Broken Lock, Barely Modern, Srečna mladina, Your Gay Thoughts, 300.000 Verschiedene Krawalle, Hexenbrutal, Extreme smoke 57 and Coma Stereo.

See also

External links


Radio Študent Benefit Festival +
22.11.2013, 28.11.2014, 27.11.2015, 26.11.2016, 24.11.2017 +
20,171,124 +
20,171,124 +
201347 +, 201448 +, 201548 +, 201647 +  and 201747 +
annual +
Radio Študent Benefit Festival +