Depot:Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting


Landscape, d.o.o.
Ulica Vita Kraigherja 5, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 41 786 707, 386 (0) 41 353 735

The company is no longer active.

Archival article

Landscape 2005 shades of green.jpgShades of green - a garden set up by studio, Ljubljana, 2005

The Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting studio was established by Gregor Vreš and Tina Demšar Vreš in 1998. Focusing on garden design and landscape architecture, numerous projects of the studio range from interior design to urbanism. Combining the modern with the traditional, a detail with a wider scale concept, their creations retain an individual touch, and are in harmony with the surroundings. Their design is clear and clean, but rather noble than simple and plain, yet always in a grid or following a certain order.


The studio has received several awards and won numerous competitions, some of them in cooperation with ARK Arhitektura Krušec studio. They have worked with many other eminent architects as well, among them Boris Podrecca, Dekleva Gregorič Arhitekti, Demšar arhitekti, and Scapelab.

In 2015 the Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting got several awards for the project Garden Village Bled designed by Gregor Vreš, Tina Demšar Vreš, Borut Kokelj and Barbara Kokelj. They received Sejalec (The Sower) award of Slovenian Tourist Board for innovation and creativity in tourism, the IKONA 2015, Small Contemporary Architecture award of the Zavod Big and the Green Pencil Award of the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS).

In 2010 their work was awarded the Plečnik Award for the landscape design of the new Faculty of Biotechnology in Ljubljana. The landscape design and historic park restoration for Kempinski Palace Hotel in Portorož was awarded the Golden Pencil Award, a Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS) honorary award in 2008. The commercial storage building Ravago in Štore brought them the Golden Pencil 2006, and the Hotel and Congress Centre Mons the Golden Pencil 2005 award, both for outstanding realisation in landscape architecture.

See also

External links


Landscape, d.o.o. +
Landscape, d.o.o. +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Ulica Vita Kraigherja 5 +
The Landscape - Architecture, Design and Consulting studio was established by Gregor Vreš and Tina Demšar Vreš in 1998. +
+386 / 41 786 707, 386 / 41 353 735 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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