Depot:Epicenter - DZS Bookstore



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Epicenter - knjigarna DZS
Mestni trg 26, SI-1538 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 200 8040
Managed byDZS

As the Epicenter in the centre of Ljubljana was closed, the article about it was put into the depot. Below you can read the archival article. Please be aware that certain links and contact information may no longer be valid.

Archival article

Epicenter (also known as School Epicenter), a bookstore run by DZS, specialising in foreign language materials, opened its facilities in the old town of Ljubljana in 1996.

Foreign language textbooks and primarily abridged literature for second language learners make up the main part of the bookstore's offer. The selection is further enhanced by travel books, maps, dictionaries, and language courses on CDs. It represents such renowned publishers as Longman/Pearson Education and Cambridge University Press. Epicenter runs Club Epicenter and cooperates with libraries as well as foreign language teachers, students and native speakers in organising workshops, presentations and lectures on foreign textbooks and related material. It issues the Epi Newsletter, and prepares the Epi Reading Badge competitions for elementary and secondary school readers of English, German, Spanish, Italian, and French literature. Children can take part in foreign language workshops every second Saturday. Their repertory of books and CDs is also available for purchase in the DZS Internet bookstore.

See also

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... more about "Epicenter - DZS Bookstore"
Epicenter - knjigarna DZS +
Epicenter - knjigarna DZS +
SI-1538 Ljubljana +
Mestni trg 26 +
Epicenter (also known as School Epicenter), a bookstore run by DZS, specialising in foreign language materials, opened its facilities in the old town of Ljubljana in 1996. +
Epicenter (also known as School Epicenter), a bookstore run by DZS, specialising in foreign language materials, opened its facilities in the old town of Ljubljana in 1996. +
+386 / 1 200 8040 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1538 +
EmailThis property is a special property in this wiki.