Depot:Slovenian Cinematheque Programme Department



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Programski oddelek Slovenske kinoteke
Miklošičeva 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (1) 434 2520

The main goal of the Slovenian Cinematheque's Programme Department is to present film heritage in all its diversity to the general public. In order to achieve this, it prepares regular daily screenings and various special events, such as personal retrospectives of known and less known directors, retrospectives based on various themes, overviews of national cinemas and film movements, special screenings (like silent films accompanied by live music, screenings of avant-garde and experimental films), and varied educational activities (round tables, seminars, lectures). It cooperates with numerous international institutions (embassies, cultural missions) and publishes the monthly magazine Kinotečnik that is meant for the detailed presentation of its programme. The Programme Department also runs the Cinematheque Club which offers to its members discounts on tickets and publications as well as other benefits.

Programski oddelek Slovenske kinoteke +
Programski oddelek Slovenske kinoteke +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Miklošičeva 28 +
The main goal of the Slovenian Cinematheque's Programme Department is to present film heritage in all its diversity to the general public. +
The main goal of the Slovenian Cinematheque's Programme Department is to present film heritage in all its diversity to the general public. +
+386 .1. 434 2520 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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