RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor

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Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije
Ilichova 33, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 429 9111

The RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, with around 120 collaborators, prepares 2 local radio and 3 local television programmes covering the Štajerska and the Pomurje region on behalf of the national public broadcaster RTV Slovenia. The centre also covers radio and television programming for the Hungarian minority in that area. The centre was established in 1945 as a radio unit of what later became Radio Slovenia. The Lendava Branch Office with television and radio programme in Hungarian provides a cultural and social bridge between the people on both sides of the border between Slovenian and Hungary.

Open border broadcast programming

The Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor produces television and radio content relevant for the regional and national audience. The broadcast includes news reports, shows, cultural television magazines, and live productions. The radio programme for the Hungarian national minority called Radio Slovenia Muravidéki Magyar Rádió (MMR) began broadcasting in Slovenia in November 1958 while the first television show Hidak / Mostovi (Bridges), intended for the Hungarian national minority, was broadcast on RTV Slovenia in the autumn of 1978. Besides the programme for the Hungarian minority, the centre houses Radio Slovenia International (Radio Si) – a national broadcast provider for the foreign audience with programmes in German, English, and Slovenian. Radio Si is part of EURANET network (European Radio Network).

See also

External links

Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije +
Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Ilichova 33 +
The RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, with around 120 collaborators, prepares 2 local radio and 3 local television programmes covering the Štajerska and the Pomurje region on behalf of the national public broadcaster RTV Slovenia. +
The RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, with around 120 collaborators, prepares 2 local radio and 3 local television programmes covering the Štajerska and the Pomurje region on behalf of the national public broadcaster RTV Slovenia. +
+386 / 2 429 9111 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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