Radio Slovenia International (Radio Si)



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Radio SI - RTV Slovenia
Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije, Ilichova 33, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 429 9120
Managed byRadio Slovenia

Primarily intended for the foreign and ex-pat audience living in Slovenia, Radio Slovenia International (Radio Si) was formed in 1985 and broadcasts in German, English, and Slovenian languages. The programme airs from the studios of Radio Maribor, a service of RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor. It features music, information, and current political, business, cultural, and sports news from Slovenia and abroad. Its essential feature is 24-hour per day traffic reports and weather forecasts, devoted mainly to tourists.

In 2001 Radio Si gained the status of a national broadcast provider for the foreign audience. Considered to be a more relaxed station aimed at the international audience, it airs plenty of music interspersed with information, current affairs, business news, culture, and sports. In recent years, the station has produced several popular series, among them: How to Become a Slovene [Kako postaneš Slovenec], with 4-minute humorous reflections on Slovene culture, language, lifestyle, and habits as seen through the eyes of American ex-pat Michael Manske, and Land of Dreams, an audio documentary in which Korab Jorgacieski interviews foreign individuals and families living in Slovenia. These two shows as well as others produced by Radio Si are available online via the station's website.

Radio Si is a part of the European Radio Network (EURANET), for which it prepares 10-minute reports from Slovenia.

See also

External links

Radio SI - RTV Slovenia +
Radio SI - RTV Slovenia +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije, Ilichova 33 +
Primarily intended for the foreign and ex-pat audience living in Slovenia, Radio Slovenia International (Radio Si) was formed in 1985 and broadcasts in German, English, and Slovenian languages. +
Primarily intended for the foreign and ex-pat audience living in Slovenia, Radio Slovenia International (Radio Si) was formed in 1985 and broadcasts in German, English, and Slovenian languages. +
+386 / 2 429 9120 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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