RTV Slovenia Studio 22, Maribor

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Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije
Ilichova 33, SI-2000 Maribor

Phone386 (0) 2 429 9132

The music studio Studio 22 has the longest tradition in Northeastern Slovenia, dating back to 1985, the year when RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor moved to its current location. The studio is the largest in the region with modern equipment, including the most up-to-date digital as well as older, but still frequently applied, analogue technology offering studio recording, digital editing and mixing, CD production, and concert recording.

Technical specifications

The studio has 140 square metres of space and is 8 metres in height, enabling comfortable recording for both small and larger (up to 30) music groups. Also available are a Steinway Model C grand piano and a platform for choirs. The room is designed to meet high acoustic standards and to ensure a pleasant working environment. It is equipped with Genelec and Yamaha studio monitors, which offer faithful reproduction of recorded music. Clients come from different music genres, including jazz, pop, rock, classical, vocal, ethno and pop-folk. They have worked with many Slovenian musicians such as Terrafolk, Patetico, Tomaž Domicelj, Vasko Atanasovski Quartet and Darja Švajger.

See also

External links

Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije +
Regionalni center Maribor RTV Slovenije +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Ilichova 33 +
The music studio Studio 22 has the longest tradition in Northeastern Slovenia, dating back to 1985, the year when RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor moved to its current location. +
The music studio Studio 22 has the longest tradition in Northeastern Slovenia, dating back to 1985, the year when RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor moved to its current location. +
+386 / 2 429 9132 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +