TV Slovenia Hungarian Minority TV Programming



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Studio madžarskih TV programov, Regionalni RTV center Maribor
Kranjčeva ulica 10, SI-9220 Lendava-Lendva
Phone386 (0) 2 429 9700

Television programming for the Hungarian minority living in Slovenia commenced in 1978, initially with the 15-minute trilingual weekly programme Mostovi/Hidak/Ponti, which at the time was shared with the Italian minority.

The studio moved from Ljubljana to Murska Sobota in the 1980s and to Lendava in 1992. Today a 30-minute Hungarian-language programme is broadcast twice weekly on TV Slovenia 1 to keep people informed about the life, cultural heritage and political and economical issues of the Hungarian minority. Since 2007 the programme scheme includes new TV shows and formats – some of which are produced in collaboration with the Hungarian TV studios – and are aimed at the young and the general audience, covering current social issues or cultural events from both sides of the Slovene-Hungarian border. The RTV Slovenia's Lendava Branch Office also produces the radio broadcast programme Radio Slovenia Muravidéki Magyar Rádió (MMR).

See also

External links

Studio madžarskih TV programov, Regionalni RTV center Maribor +
Studio madžarskih TV programov, Regionalni RTV center Maribor +
SI-9220 Lendava-Lendva +
Kranjčeva ulica 10 +
[[TV Slovenia Hungarian Minority TV PrograTelevision programming for the Hungarian minority living in Slovenia commenced in 1978, initially with the 15-minute trilingual weekly programme Mostovi/Hidak/Ponti, which at the time was shared with the Italian minority.time was shared with the Italian minority. +
Television programming for the Hungarian minority living in Slovenia commenced in 1978, initially with the 15-minute trilingual weekly programme Mostovi/Hidak/Ponti, which at the time was shared with the Italian minority. +
+386 / 2 429 9700 +
Lendava-Lendva +
SI-9220 +
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