Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia


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Ekomuzej hmeljarstva in pivovarstva Slovenije
Cesta Žalskega tabora 2, SI-3310 Žalec
Phone386 (0) 3 571 8021, 386 (0) 41 727 898

Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia 2011 exterior Photo Franc Krajnc.JPGEco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia established in the late 1950's and now located in the former hop drying facilities in Žalec

Slovenia grows 2–3 % of the world's hop crop, mainly in the Lower Savinjska Region where the hop-growing tradition dates back to the late 19th century. Originally the Hop Museum was established in the late 1950s through the combined efforts of the workers of the Kmetijski Kombinat ("Agricultural Combine") in Žalec, the Institute for Beer Brewing and Hop Growing, the Municipality of Žalec and the Tourist Association of Žalec. Until 1990 the collection was housed in Savin House and then moved to the premises of the Hmezad Export-Import Company.

In 2009 the museum was renamed to Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia and opened in the former hop drying facility in Žalec. Its interactive display presents the history of hop-growing and features old machines for processing hops, drying shafts, photographs, local hop species and hop packaging. The collection is rooted in the legacy of the local families whose lives have been connected with hop-growing.

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Ekomuzej hmeljarstva in pivovarstva Slovenije +
46.25 +
Ekomuzej hmeljarstva in pivovarstva Slovenije +
15.162 +
SI-3310 Žalec +
Cesta Žalskega tabora 2 +
Slovenia grows 2–3 % of the world's hop crop, mainly in the Lower Savinjska Region where the hop-growing tradition dates back to the late 19th century. +
Slovenia grows 2–3 % of the world's hop crop, mainly in the Lower Savinjska Region where the hop-growing tradition dates back to the late 19th century. +
+386 / 3 571 8021, 386 / 41 727 898 +
Žalec +
SI-3310 +
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