National Museum of Contemporary History Library


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Knjižnica Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije
Celovška 23, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 300 9622

The National Museum of Contemporary History Library was founded in 1944 as part of the Scientific Institute of the Executive Committee of National Liberation Front (IOOF). Today it is settled in Cekin Mansion as part of the National Museum of Contemporary History and houses a collection of more than 21,000 units mainly on history, art history, historiography, museology, internal and foreign politics, war studies and literature. Its collection is accessible on COBISS - Slovene Virtual Library and is listed in the World Guide to Libraries.


In 1952 when the library was moved to Cekin Castle the collection consisted of 1,559 items of post-war and 14,688 items of German literature. In 1992 when Cekin Castle was reorganised its library had 8,000 items.

Today it covers an area of 181 square metres and incorporates a collection of 20,000 books, 145 periodical titles, 450 partisan periodical titles and numerous posters, much of the material having been donated. Intensive digitalisation of the holdings has been implemented since 1995. The library supports museum research work, and consequently its collection items often feature as a part of exhibitions, both in Slovenia and abroad.

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Knjižnica Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije +
Knjižnica Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Celovška 23 +
The National Museum of Contemporary History Library was founded in 1944 as part of the Scientific Institute of the Executive Committee of National Liberation Front (IOOF). +
The National Museum of Contemporary History Library was founded in 1944 as part of the Scientific Institute of the Executive Committee of National Liberation Front (IOOF). +
+386 / 1 300 9622 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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