Kolektiva Institute
4 Feb 2015
12 Feb 2015
The annual exhibition Open Systems 2-01-04/14 also featuring video projects by Vesna Bukovec (Kolektiva Institute) and Sašo Sedlaček (Aksioma Institute)
15 Apr 2014
15 Jun 2014
City Perspectives exhibition featuring Bojan Salaj, Branko Cvetkovič, Tomaž Gregorič, Tanja Lažetić and Dejan Habicht, Zmago Lenardič and Jasna Hribernik, Kolektiva Institute, Polonca Lovšin and Anja Medved produced by Photon Gallery
30 Jan 2014
31 Jan 2014
Lada Cerar (Kolektiva Institute) and Anne Wölk in exhibition Hanani curated by Maja Škerbot within Private View platform, supported by Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin
4 Oct 2013
25 Oct 2013
Vesna Bukovec and Lada Cerar (Kolektiva Institute) and Antonio Živkovič (Photon Gallery) participating in a joint exhibition Cultural City Network Graz - Arrivals / Departures
7 Jul 2012
18 Aug 2012
An exhibition of contemporary women art featuring artists Saša Bezjak, Kolektiva Institute (Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar and Metka Zupanič), Polona Maher, Barbara Predin, Rene Rusjan, and Petra Varl at the Women’s Circus Museum at the ACRYL’s festival
28 Mar 2012
Kolektiva Institute, PINA Primorje Information Atelier and KUD Zrakogled presentation at the Borderless project produced by Student Centre
30 Nov 2011
1 Dec 2011
Idi+Vidi 1.0 mini video festival by Kolektiva Institute and Udruga A3
KOLEKTIVA art group
The members of KOLEKTIVA, who still work on their own individual art projects, understand the process of art making as a means of negotiation, exchange, and cooperation. The group's projects involve researching inter-personal relationships, everyday life, and the art system.
The group performed at the 11th Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean in Athens in 2003. The next year they started to work on A Special Place in the City, a platform for artistic research concerning people, stories, and places. The project aims to mark, preserve, and render visible a collection of personal stories and histories for future generations. It was presented in various ways and exhibited on KOLEKTIVA's solo exhibitions in Škuc Gallery, Maribor Art Gallery, Galerie Centrum, MedienKunstLabor (both in Graz, Austria), etc. Secret Heart, exhibited in Program Gallery (Warsaw, Poland) is also part of the Special Place in the City platform. Skrivnostno srce / Secret Heart, Črni kot was presented at the Kosovel Culture House Sežana in 2014.
The group's work also includes video Visions (2006) and their recent project Lost in Communication which was exhibited in A+A Gallery in Venice in 2011.
Video in Progress Festival
Kolektiva collaborated with Photon Gallery when it produced Video in progress 2: City Perspectives and Video in progress 3: Fields of the Performative which was curated by KOLEKTIVA. In 2011 Kolektiva Institute and Photon Gallery produced the fourth edition of Video in Progress Festival which has grown into a festival.
Video Evenings
Kolektiva Institute also organises Video Evenings in Ljubljana's Photon Gallery. In this monthly event they screen video selections prepared by various invited artists, curators, institutions, associations, and festivals.
The first Video Evening was organised in December 2010 when due to previous correspondence between ADA Rotterdam (NL) and KOLEKTIVA, ADA Rotterdam presented a collection of videos Press Play_Taking on Performance that was made in response to KOLEKTIVA's selection of art videos entitled Fields of the Performative.
So far Video Evenings have included selections of videos from the archive of international Simultan Festival from Timisoara, Romania, a selection of videos from the online moving image gallery Outcasting from Cardiff, United Kingdom, videos by Austrian artist Nina Höchtl, international video collage organized by FemLink, and many others.
In 2010 Kolektiva Institute presented two exhibitions in the Photon Gallery: in May there was RED: The Gendered Color in Frames, curated by Evelin Stermitz who wanted to show different aspects of female connotations and narrations of the colour red. For example, a woman in a red dress is foregrounded in the work Flux by Kika Nicolela and blood in Ana Grobler's video Superultra. The exhibition also included the work of Duba Sambolec, Michelle Handelman, and others.
Later that year there was Bosnia & Herzegovina Video Art: namaTRE.ba Project. The video exhibition was curated by Igor Bošnjak and included a third selection of videos of namaTRE.ba project, an independent platform for contemporary art. Among others there was Borjana Mrdja's Almost Perfect Work and Mladen Bundalo's Simulation of Dualism.
(Ne)vidne sledi II / (In)Visible Traces II was presented in the Alktraz Gallery in 2012 where they continued with the exploration of the extended idea of archaeology they started with in their project (In)Visible Traces from 2009 in Ptuj.