Slovenian Library Association


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Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije
Turjaška 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 200 1160

The Slovenian Library Association is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, whose aims include the development of library programmes, promotion of librarianship, professional education and protection of the interests of its members and their professional integrity. Established in 1947, it comprises several sections, focusing on public libraries, school libraries, higher education libraries, specialised libraries, mobile libraries, local studies and students of librarianship. Different committees also have been established under the auspices of the association; their areas comprise cataloguing, bibliography, terminology, subject classification, training and education, preservation and restoration.

Membership and activities

The Slovenian Library Association's members are library associations in Celje, Dolenjska, Gorenjska, Koroška, Ljubljana, Maribor, Pomurje and Primorska, together joining more than 1,300 librarians.

The association publishes the quarterly Library, Journal of Library and Information Science and conference leaflets. It also bestows the annual Čop Award, named after the Slovene librarian and scholar Matija Čop, for outstanding achievements in librarianship. Two memorial foundations (Kalan and Stepišnik memorials) have been founded to honour and recognise activities that significantly contribute to the development of librarianship, particularly in the fields of mobile libraries and theory and practice of library and information science. Its activities also include professional meetings, discussions, congresses and annual international symposiums organised by students of librarianship and information science from European universities.

International cooperation

The Slovenian Library Association is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL). It co-operates with the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) and the Central and Eastern European Copyright User Platform (CECUP) and the Central and Eastern European Licensing Information Platform (CELIP) projects. The association also collaborates with libraries in neighbouring countries and library associations in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Macedonia.

See also

Branch associations

External links


Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije +
Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Turjaška 1 +
The Slovenian Library AssociationThe Slovenian Library Association is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, whose aims include the development of library programmes, promotion of librarianship, professional education and protection of the interests of its members and their professional integrity. members and their professional integrity. +
The Slovenian Library Association is a volThe Slovenian Library Association is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, whose aims include the development of library programmes, promotion of librarianship, professional education and protection of the interests of its members and their professional integrity. members and their professional integrity. +
+386 / 1 200 1160 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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