Depot:Celje Regional Development Agency, Savinjska Region



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RRA Regionalna razvojna agencija Celje, d.o.o.
Kidričeva ulica 25, SI-3000 Celje
Phone386 (0) 3 424 4102

Ceased to exist

Archived Articles

Within the Regional Development programme, the Celje Regional Development Agency (a limited liability company) focuses on five key programmes: human resources, small and middle enterprises, tourism, farming and countryside, and environment and space. Its regional projects, developed in 31 municipalities, include the development of technology parks and business incubators, regional business zones, ecology tourist centres for the Savinja region, business and project documentation for infrastructure investments and regional space regulation (protection against river flooding). From 2007–2011 a special regional programme is being implemented to stimulate tourism projects, especially private initiatives related to specific regional features and heritage, to develop tourism infrastructure in accordance with the environment, and to increase the quality of services according to demand.

See also

External links

RRA Regionalna razvojna agencija Celje, d.o.o. +
RRA Regionalna razvojna agencija Celje, d.o.o. +
SI-3000 Celje +
Kidričeva ulica 25 +
Within the Regional Development programme,Within the Regional Development programme, the Celje Regional Development Agency (a limited liability company) focuses on five key programmes: human resources, small and middle enterprises, tourism, farming and countryside, and environment and space.nd countryside, and environment and space. +
Within the Regional Development programme, the Celje Regional Development Agency (a limited liability company) focuses on five key programmes: human resources, small and middle enterprises, tourism, farming and countryside, and environment and space. +
+386 / 3 424 4102 +
Celje +
SI-3000 +
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