Science and Research Centre of Koper (SRC Koper)



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Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Koper
Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Phone386 (0) 5 663 7700
Past events

Established in 1994, the Science and Research Centre of Koper (UP SRC) became part of the newly-founded University of Primorska in 2003. Combining humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, the interdisciplinary institutes of the centre strive to promote the study of the Mediterranean and the Upper Adriatic areas. A number of bilateral and international projects are ongoing at the centre, focusing on, for example, shared archaeological, cultural, and biological heritage.


Laying emphasis on the Mediterranean and Slovene Istria, the centre carries out basic and applied research work, expert valuation, and counselling. It employs an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, bringing together the humanities, social studies, and natural sciences. It organises scientific meetings, symposia, and conferences on national and international levels. The centre also runs the Annales Publishing House, a documentation centre, and a library.


The centre comprises administrative, infrastructural, and science and research units.

The infrastructural units consist of: the Centre for Cooperation with Economy, the Laboratory for Molecular Ecology, the Olive Oil Testing Laboratory, the Centre for Project Management, the Information Centre, the Annales Publishing House, the library, the Public Opinion Centre, the Enterprise Europe Network, and the Environmental and Spatial Research Centre.

The science and research units are: the Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies, SRC Koper, the Institute for Biodiversity Studies, the Institute for Mediterranean Agriculture and Olive Growing, the Institute for Mediterranean Heritage, the Institute for Linguistic Studies, the Institute for Historical Studies, the Institute for Kinesiology Research, the Institute for Geographical Studies, and the Law Institute.

In the period from 2004 to 2008, the basic research activity of the centre was conducted within the following three research programmes: Mediterranean and Slovenia, Areas of Cultural Contact in Integration Processes, and Biodiversity.


The centre plays an active role in the international and national scientific arena, collaborating with similar foreign institutions and engaging in several EU programmes, including Tempus Phare, Life Nature, and the 6th Framework Programme as well as the Culture Programme.

It has organised the annual Slovenian Language Summer Course on the Slovene Coast since 1993 and the META Humanities Summer School (Mediterranean Summer School of Theoretical and Applied Humanities), since 2005, both in cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities Koper.

See also



External links

Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Koper +
45.548 +
Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Koper +
13.729 +
SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria +
Garibaldijeva 1 +
Established in 1994, the Science and Research Centre of Koper (UP SRC) became part of the newly-founded University of Primorska in 2003. +
Established in 1994, the Science and Research Centre of Koper (UP SRC) became part of the newly-founded University of Primorska in 2003. +
+386 / 5 663 7700 +
Koper-Capodistria +
SI-6000 +
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