Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies, SRC Koper



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Inštitut za sredozemske humanistične in družboslovne študije
Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Phone386 (0) 5 663 7700

The research programme of the Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies focuses on the Slovene-Italian multicultural space and its historical and contemporary social phenomena, including migration, gender politics, minority issues, sustainable development, etc.

The institute is a unit of the Science and Research Centre of Koper at the University of Primorska, and collaborates closely with the Public Opinion Centre.


Established in 2001 as an explicitly interdisciplinary institute, it brings together researchers in the fields of geography, sociology, communication, philosophy, architecture, spatial planning, and tourism. The institute's research examines all aspects of cultural (as well as multi- inter- and transcultural) interaction, namely, the ramifications of globalisation, mixed marriages, the role and effects of Islam in Slovenia and Europe, as well as the multifaceted dimensions of domestic life.


Projects carried out at the institute have delved into a wide array of topics, including the problematic of contemporary printed media, the impact of the Internet on the process of socialisation in physical and cyberspace, and the immigrant labour pool in Slovenia. Detailed descriptions of current and past projects can be found at the institute's web page in Slovenian, Italian, and English languages.

See also

External links

Inštitut za sredozemske humanistične in družboslovne študije +
45.548 +
Inštitut za sredozemske humanistične in družboslovne študije +
13.729 +
SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria +
Garibaldijeva 1 +
The research programme of the Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social StudiesThe research programme of the Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies focuses on the Slovene-Italian multicultural space and its historical and contemporary social phenomena, including migration, gender politics, minority issues, sustainable development, etc.rity issues, sustainable development, etc. +
The research programme of the Institute foThe research programme of the Institute for Mediterranean Humanities and Social Studies focuses on the Slovene-Italian multicultural space and its historical and contemporary social phenomena, including migration, gender politics, minority issues, sustainable development, etc.rity issues, sustainable development, etc. +
+386 / 5 663 7700 +
Koper-Capodistria +
SI-6000 +
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