Institute for Historical Studies, SRC Koper



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Inštitut za zgodovinske študije, SRC Koper
Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Phone386 (0) 5 663 7700

Established in 2004, the Institute of Historical Studies carries out interdisciplinary research focusing on the study of the Slovene border regions of Primorska and Istria as a complex geographical space and an intersection of various national, ethnic, and cultural groups hailing from central Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as other European regions. Social, economic, anthropological, ethnological, political, and cultural aspects are considered, placing increased emphasis on Slovene history from a regional, local, and micro-analytical viewpoint.

The institute's research endeavours are divided into the following fields: Political and Diplomatic History of Western Slovenia, Social and Economic History, Population History, and History of Art and Culture.

Research projects

The most recent and current projects carried out by the institute explore diverse themes, such as rebellious survival strategies utilised in the Slovene territory; Slovene-Italian cross-border relations; the impact of modernity on the rural areas of the Primorska region; and Slovenes in Yugoslav diplomacy from 1941 to 1980.

The older research projects have similarly covered a wide range of approaches – from methodological ones (Methodological Problems in the Philosophy of History and its Cultural Effects under the Aspect of the Idea of Europe led by Jože Pirjevec in 2007) and issues of ethnic border and migration (Slovene Western Ethnic Border, Population and Migrations, 6–20th century led by Boris M. Gombač, concluded in 2003); to the focused research of regional history through the documents on secret diplomacy and intelligence services (Anglo-American Secret Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: the Case of the Primorska Region and Friuli, 1940–1947 led by Gorazd Bajc, 2008; and Geopolitical Interests of Intelligence Services in Western Slovenia during the Interwar Period led by Egon Pelikan, concluded in 2007).

See also

External links

Inštitut za zgodovinske študije, SRC Koper +
45.548 +
Inštitut za zgodovinske študije, SRC Koper +
13.729 +
SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria +
Garibaldijeva 1 +
Established in 2004, the Institute of Historical StudiesEstablished in 2004, the Institute of Historical Studies carries out interdisciplinary research focusing on the study of the Slovene border regions of Primorska and Istria as a complex geographical space and an intersection of various national, ethnic, and cultural groups hailing from central Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as other European regions.ranean, as well as other European regions. +
Established in 2004, the Institute of HistEstablished in 2004, the Institute of Historical Studies carries out interdisciplinary research focusing on the study of the Slovene border regions of Primorska and Istria as a complex geographical space and an intersection of various national, ethnic, and cultural groups hailing from central Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as other European regions.ranean, as well as other European regions. +
+386 / 5 663 7700 +
Koper-Capodistria +
SI-6000 +
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