Depot:Mediafest, Festival of Contemporary Music and Digital Art, Celje



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Mediafest, festival sodobne glasbe in digitalne umetnosti
Mariborska 2, SI-3000 Celje
Phone386 (0) 3 490 8740
Organised byCelje Youth Centre
Festival dates9.11.2017 - 25.11.2017

The festival has down-scaled significantly and is nowadays more or less a very local happening.

Archival article

Launched in 2005 and run by Celje Youth Centre, Mediafest is a festival of contemporary music and inter-media arts. Throughout the years, its continuity and programme focus has been somewhat unstable and in recent years the festival became quite eclectic.

It consists of music performances (like the bands The Mifune (AT), New Wave Syria, Karmakoma, Sphericube, etc.), theatre plays, international computer games tournaments, multimedia art projects (for example, a culinary-inter-media performance by Ivana Ristić and the “Sauerkraut Synthesizer” project by Gordon Monahan (CA)), workshops (a recent one was on managing film production) and photography exhibitions (featuring Metka Majcen, Monika Bačič and a collaboration with Fotoklub Zagreb).

See also

External links

Mediafest, festival sodobne glasbe in digitalne umetnosti +
44,45,46 (2011) +
6.11.2013 - 23.11.2013, 6.11.2014 - 29.11.2014, 27.11.2015, 25.11.2016, 9.11.2017 - 25.11.2017 +
20,171,125 +
20,171,109 +
201144 +, 201145 +, 201146 +, 201345 +, 201346 +, 201347 +, 201445 +, 201446 +, 201447 +, 201448 +, 201548 +, 201647 +, 201745 +, 201746 +  and 201747 +
annual +
Mediafest, festival sodobne glasbe in digitalne umetnosti +
SI-3000 Celje +
Mariborska 2 +
Launched in 2005 and run by Celje Youth Centre, Mediafest is a festival of contemporary music and inter-media arts. +
Launched in 2005 and run by Celje Youth Centre, Mediafest is a festival of contemporary music and inter-media arts. +
+386 / 3 490 8740 +
Celje +
SI-3000 +
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