Depot:Trio MaRaKle



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Trio MaRaKle
Stari trg 34, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 242 7300
ProprietorAcademy of Music

The group stopped performing under this name in 2014.

Archival article

Trio MaRaKle was initiated in 2000 by violin virtuoso and professor at the Academy of Music, Tomaž Lorenz and consists of three students from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana: Matjaž Porovne (violin), Ravi Sherestha (guitar), and Klemen Leben (accordion), hence the name MaRaKle. The trio established itself in the contemporary chamber music scene with performances of works by Slovene composers such as Primož Ramovš, Nina Šenk, and Brina Jež Brezavšček. It has appeared successfully in competition at Werkersheim in Germany and has been awarded gold medals at the Vladimir Lovec-Ivan Šček Chamber Orchestra Competition in Koper-Capodistria and at the chamber orchestra competition in Pula, Croatia.


The Trio MaRaKle enriches the contemporary Slovene chamber music scene by performing works of contemporary composers such as Primož Ramovš, Uroš Lajovic, Janez Gregorc, Brina Jež Brezavšček, and Nina Šenk.

Performances and international participation

The trio performed at the Mozarteum University of Music in Salzburg and participated in the Long Night of Music in Vienna in 2004. In the same year the trio visited Spain, where it participated in exchange programmes organised by Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) and presented Tango Marakleano and other tango compositions by young Slovene composer Črt Sojar Voglar. In 2005 Trio MaRaKle's members studied at the Franz Liszt High School of Music in Weimar and in December 2006 they were invited by Weimar Institute for New Music to perform at Fürstensaal in Weimar, Germany.

See also

External links

... more about "Trio MaRaKle"
Trio MaRaKle +
Trio MaRaKle +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Stari trg 34 +
Trio MaRaKle was initiated in 2000 by Trio MaRaKle was initiated in 2000 by violin virtuoso and professor at the Academy of Music, Tomaž Lorenz and consists of three students from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana: Matjaž Porovne (violin), Ravi Sherestha (guitar), and Klemen Leben (accordion), hence the name MaRaKle.Klemen Leben]] (accordion), hence the name MaRaKle. +
Trio MaRaKle was initiated in 2000 by violTrio MaRaKle was initiated in 2000 by violin virtuoso and professor at the Academy of Music, Tomaž Lorenz and consists of three students from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana: Matjaž Porovne (violin), Ravi Sherestha (guitar), and Klemen Leben (accordion), hence the name MaRaKle.Leben (accordion), hence the name MaRaKle. +
+386 / 1 242 7300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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