Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia

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Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (ZZDS)
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1492

Based at the Department of History (Faculty of Arts), University of Ljubljana, the Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia was established in 1983 as a successor of the Historical Society for Slovenia. It organises the Slovene Historian Meeting every two years with expert lectures and field trips, and published papers in the periodicals Historical Review [Zgodovinski časopis] and Kronika, published by the union, as well as in Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, published by the University of Maribor and the Historical Society Dr. Franc Kovačič in Maribor. At the Slovene Historian Meeting the Klio Awards have been bestowed to the merited since 2000.


The initial idea to unite the historians at the Slovene Historian Meeting was given in 1938 by Franjo Baš (1899–1967), the then ban's archivist. The first Slovene Historian Meeting was realised the next year at the 100th anniversary of the Museum Society. Although the meeting was originally intended to take place annually, these plans were interrupted by the Second World War. Following the war there was a push create a serious centre, therefore the Historical Society for Slovenia was established in 1946. Since 1951 the Slovene Historian Meeting has been organised biennially, each time in a different town.


The Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia unites historical societies across Slovenia, promoting the views of its member societies and giving a national focus to matters of general concern, especially with regard to major issues of cultural heritage; encourages the study of Slovene history, the preservation and publication of historical material and public access to historical material; promotes communication and mutual assistance within the historical society movement; assists the work of member societies; and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on historical matters throughout Slovenia.

Klio Award

The Klio Award (named after the Greek muse of history), established at the Slovene Historian Meeting in 1998, is given every two years for research work in historiography, mostly to authors of monographs published in the previous two years. The winner is awarded with a diploma and three average net monthly incomes in Slovenia. The main purpose of the award is to provide incentive to improve thematic and methodological research work and to strengthen historiographical research work by recognising the major achievements among Slovenian historians and historiography. The previous award winners are Božo Repe (2016), Rajko Bratož (2015), Jurij Perovšek (2014), Bojan Godeša (2012), Andrej Studen (2010), Peter Vodopivec (2008), Alenka Cedilnik (2006), Matjaž Bizjak (2004), Igor Grdina (2002), and Peter Štih (2000).

See also

External links

Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (ZZDS) +
Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (ZZDS) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Aškerčeva 2 +
Based at the Department of History (Faculty of Arts), University of Ljubljana, the Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia was established in 1983 as a successor of the Historical Society for Slovenia. +
Based at the Department of History (Faculty of Arts), University of Ljubljana, the Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia was established in 1983 as a successor of the Historical Society for Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 241 1492 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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