Historical Review

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Zgodovinski časopis
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1200

Historical Review [Zgodovinski časopis], published by the Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia, is a bulletin aimed for general and specialised questions in historiographical research: from cultural and economic issues to auxiliary historical disciplines. The predecessors of the bulletin originate in the year 1846, the first official number was published in 1947.

The bulletin presents the results of historical research by Slovene History Societies and international contributors in Slovenian, English, German, French, Italian and Croatian language. The research articles are mainly focused on the general cultural, political and social history of Slovenia, the theory of history and pedagogics, as well as with issues of neighbouring nations' history and the history of the Central European region. It also publishes reports on recent seminars and congresses, with some published lectures, book reviews and bibliographies.

The bulletin's website provides instructions for authors and extensive archive of previous and current issues of Historical Review. The bulletin is listed in the international citation and bibliographic bases (Historical Abstracts, ABC-CLIO).

See also

External links