Institute of Contemporary History


Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino
Privoz 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 200 3120
Past events

One of the central scientific institutions in Slovenia, the Institute of Contemporary History focuses on the research of contemporary and modern history of the Slovene nation. Established in 1959 as the Institute for the History of Labour Movement (Inštitut za zgodovino delavskega gibanja), it got its current name in 1989 when the research focus expanded to include the past and the constitution of the nation.

Archive and research

The archive of the institute mainly consists of material on the Second World War, on the partisan resistance movement, and on items from the occupiers' authorities. Since 1992 the archive has been a part of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.

In the beginning of the 1970s research projects covered 3 historical periods: the period before the First World War, the period between the World Wars and during the Second World War, and the period after the Second World War. This research principle was in use until the new millennium when the research was divided into 2 parts: the political, ideological history and the economic and social history.

Library and publications

The institute has a library with extensive holdings of more than 44,000 units of different library material. The publishing activity of the institute involves the biannual review edition named Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino [Contributions to the Contemporary History] in Slovenian with abstracts in English and articles dealing with history from the 19th century onward.

The second publication, Vpogledi [Insights], is a new edition with one thematic focus and different authors. Both publications are available online and at the website of SIstory, a portal developed by the institute which includes a vast archive of historiographic material and publications.


The institute collaborates with several Slovene and international partners or institutions: the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, the National and University Library, the Historical Archives Ljubljana, the Digital Library of Slovenia ( and the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities – DARIAH.

See also

External links

Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino +
Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Privoz 11 +
One of the central scientific institutions in Slovenia, the Institute of Contemporary History focuses on the research of contemporary and modern history of the Slovene nation. +
One of the central scientific institutions in Slovenia, the Institute of Contemporary History focuses on the research of contemporary and modern history of the Slovene nation. +
+386 / 1 200 3120 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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