Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Peace Institute

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Part of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Cultural Policy Research focuses on the study of the roles, development trends, and material conditions of cultural institutions, as well as the effects of their operations (including the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural products). Special attention is devoted to the economic, political, and social implications of the cultural sector.

Research topics

Research topics of the centre encompass intellectual property and authorship, culture and economy, cultural education, and culture as a factor in social development. Special fields of interest are conducted according to several parameters, among others: material conditions of independent producers in the field of culture; comparative analysis of cultural policies in Slovenia and elsewhere; applied research studies, case studies, recommendations for change and modifications of cultural policies; and public discussions, lectures, and round tables on cultural policies in Slovenia and abroad.

Research projects and conferences

In the last few years the Centre for Cultural Policy Research has conducted several research projects on cultural industries, the economy of culture, reading cultures and publishing, and cultural education. Pertinent results have been presented in the book series Politike (for instance, a book on the independent social and cultural centre Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Zone, a book on the cultural policies of some European countries, and a book on the economy of culture in Slovenia) and also in book series of other publishers (for instance, a book on reading cultures published by UMco). Working on these investigations are Slovenian researchers collaborating with others from the region and abroad. Most of the publications are published in Slovenian and English and are available online as abstracts or in full in pdf format.

In 2005 the findings of an inquiry into the material conditions of cultural production Kultura d.o.o. [Culture Ltd.] were published, authored by Aldo Milohnić, Maja Breznik, Majda Hrženjak, and Bratko Bibič. The work examines several topics, for example, the position of culture in the late capitalist society, employment in the cultural sector, cultural infrastructure and education. Posfordizem [Postfordism], a recent edition in the series Politike, is a selection of debates on the late capitalistic mode of production, and was published in 2010 in collaboration with Jan Van Eyck Academie from Maastricht.

A recent project included a conference on the cultural politics in the West Balkans with contributions from researches from partner institutes and universities from the region. The conference was accompanied with the rethinking of the relations between countries when it comes to culture.

See also

External links

Center za raziskovanje kulturnih politik, Mirovni inštitut +
Center za raziskovanje kulturnih politik, Mirovni inštitut +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
Part of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political StudiesPart of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Cultural Policy Research focuses on the study of the roles, development trends, and material conditions of cultural institutions, as well as the effects of their operations (including the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural products).on, and consumption of cultural products). +
Part of the Peace Institute - Institute foPart of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Cultural Policy Research focuses on the study of the roles, development trends, and material conditions of cultural institutions, as well as the effects of their operations (including the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural products).on, and consumption of cultural products). +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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