Centre for Media Policy, Peace Institute

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Center za medijsko politiko, Mirovni inštitut
Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 234 7720

Part of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Media Policy focuses on the strengthening of the media community in Slovenia, the inclusion of experts in the drafting of media legislation, and the setting-up of self-regulation and accountability systems within Slovene media. The centre's activities include regular public discussions and publications, with an emphasis on the freedom and credibility of media and the practical implementation of the highest professional standards in journalism. The centre is a member of the South East European Network for the Professionalisation of the Media.

Fields of work

The Centre for Media Policy develops training and fellowship programmes for journalists as well as exchange programmes for journalists and media experts, encouraging and facilitating the development of international contacts, regional and international cooperation of media companies and professional associations in Slovenia. Fields covered in their research are the analyses of media practices and policy in Slovenia, public debates and publications dealing with journalism and media, the stimulation of self-regulation in media, providing support for the professional development of journalists and media experts, and international cooperation in media. The centre also organises regular panel debates on heated issues.

Projects and publishing

For 15 years (up to 2013) the Centre for Media Policy also conducted the Media Watch research and publishing project, whose purpose is to study and monitor mass media in Slovenia. The Media Watch magazine and Media Watch bilingual book series feature articles and essays pertaining to their activities. All publications are available online.

In addition to Media Watch, the centre publishes the Intolerance Monitor Report with a view to analysing the emergence of intolerance in public discourse, not only in media but also in everyday social life. A recent publication, with its introduction and index available online, is Alternative media and the Politics of Resistance: Perspectives and Challenges. The journal features research articles on the potential and challenges of contemporary alternative media. The authors include Mojca Pajnik, Hanno Hardt, Chris Atton, and others.

The ongoing project Mig@net: Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender explores how migrants participate in altering the existing social hierarchies.

See also

External links

Center za medijsko politiko, Mirovni inštitut +
Center za medijsko politiko, Mirovni inštitut +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
Part of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political StudiesPart of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Media Policy focuses on the strengthening of the media community in Slovenia, the inclusion of experts in the drafting of media legislation, and the setting-up of self-regulation and accountability systems within Slovene media.countability systems within Slovene media. +
Part of the Peace Institute - Institute foPart of the Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies, the Centre for Media Policy focuses on the strengthening of the media community in Slovenia, the inclusion of experts in the drafting of media legislation, and the setting-up of self-regulation and accountability systems within Slovene media.countability systems within Slovene media. +
+386 / 1 234 7720 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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