Chamber of Media Providers



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A Chamber of Media Providers was set up in 2012 when the former Chamber of Publishing, Bookselling, Graphic Industry, Radio and TV Media (GZS-ZKGM) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) was reorganised into two chambers: the Chamber of Media Providers and Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling.

The Chamber of Media Providers is an umbrella organisation which incorporated several associations: the Association of Television and Radio Media, the Association of Newspaper and Magazine Publishers, and the Association of Graphic Industry.

In order to be able to provide services to companies operating in these areas, the Chamber of Media Providers and its individual associations carry out a number of activities: they register the needs and interests of its members, help to define common positions, disseminate information, and provide consultancy services. They also build positive relations, draw up documents, voice opinions and define proposals tailored for each business segment. Efforts are focused on monitoring economic movements in each business segment, offering expert help and counselling, and cooperating in the fields of cross-border trade, domestic trade, social partnership, and education.

See also

External links


Medijska zbornica +
Medijska zbornica +
SI-1504 Ljubljana +
Dimičeva 13 +
A Chamber of Media ProvidersA Chamber of Media Providers was set up in 2012 when the former Chamber of Publishing, Bookselling, Graphic Industry, Radio and TV Media (GZS-ZKGM) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) was reorganised into two chambers: the Chamber of Media Providers and Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling.Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling. +
A Chamber of Media Providers was set up inA Chamber of Media Providers was set up in 2012 when the former Chamber of Publishing, Bookselling, Graphic Industry, Radio and TV Media (GZS-ZKGM) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) was reorganised into two chambers: the Chamber of Media Providers and Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling.and Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling. +
+386 / 1 589 8277 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1504 +
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