Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS)



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Gospodarska zbornica Republike Slovenije (GZS)
Dimičeva 13, SI-1504 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 589 8000

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) originated in 1850 as the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Kranjska. The chamber represents the business community and provides support and advice to companies as well as a full range of professional services aimed at strengthening competitiveness of its members. The main tasks of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia are to represent member companies and look after their vital interests; to provide expert information and professional support; and to serve the community by performing other tasks entrusted to it by government.

SADAR + VUGA Architects 1999 Chamber of Commerce and Industry.jpgThe Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters, an early and highly renowned work by SADAR + VUGA, 1999.


The Chamber of Commerce's governing body is the Assembly, at which members are elected directly by member companies every four years. Member companies can express their specific interests through regional chambers and professional associations. Over 1,500 representatives from the business community participate in numerous committees and professional groups of the chamber's system. Its departments articulate the interests of the business community, provide various consulting and other business services and execute important public authorisations. Members can voice their interests directly in the 13 regional chambers (covering Celje, Gorenjska, Koper, Koroška, Ljubljana, Maribor, Northern Primorska, Novo mesto, Pomurje, Posavje, Postojna, Savinjsko-Šaleška and Zasavje), as well as in the 22 branch associations that are organised along specialised branch categories. Since 1969 GZS has bestowed the Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia for exemplary business and entrepreneurial achievements.


Within the framework of the GZS there are several branches which unify a range of associations. Their members represent and reflect the specific interests of their industries, moreover through cooperation with allied foreign organisations and active participation in the promotional activities of the chamber (through business conferences, exhibitions, catalogues, etc.) they contribute significantly to the international recognition of their industries. On you can find more on the Chamber of Publishing and Bookselling and the Chamber of Media Providers.

International cooperation

The GZS is a member of the European Association of Chambers of Commerce, Eurochambres, and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Many international business meetings are organised within the framework of the CCIS. The website and services of GZS offer information on business environments, opportunities, contacts, news and events. Direct contacts with the best potential business partners in Slovenia can be arranged online. CCIS issues the online publication Slovenia Business Week in English.

See also

External links


Gospodarska zbornica Republike Slovenije (GZS) +
Gospodarska zbornica Republike Slovenije (GZS) +
SI-1504 Ljubljana +
Dimičeva 13 +
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) originated in 1850 as the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Kranjska. +
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) originated in 1850 as the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Kranjska. +
+386 / 1 589 8000 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1504 +
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