Depot:European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia



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European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia
Festival Ljubljana, Trg francoske revolucije 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 6000

The European Council of Artists (ECA) has not been active since 2014. Below you can read the archival article. Please be aware that certain links and contact information may no longer be valid.

Archival article

The purpose of the European Council of Artists (ECA) has been to help professional artists influence European strategies concerning European artists, particularly their social and economic situation. In March 2003, for instance, the ECA intervened in favour of Slovene minority Radio dva in Carinthia, Austria, and protested against its abolition by writing to the Austrian and Carinthian authorities.

The Chamber of Culture of Slovenia is the main Slovene contact of the ECA. Other participating organisations include the Union of Slovene Fine Arts Associations (ZDSLU), the Slovene Music Artists Association, the Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists, the Designers Society of Slovenia (DOS), the Union of Associations of Slovene Librarians, the Society of Slovene Composers, the Association of Slovenian Filmmakers, the Association of Ballet Artists of Slovenia, the Society of Gallery Owners and Antiquarians of Slovenia, the Association of Slovene Museums, the Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia, the Slovene Orchestra Musicians Associations, the Society for Language Advisers and Proof Readers of Slovenia, the Culture and Arts Centre Klemenčič Days and the Society of Conservators of Slovenia.

See also

European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia +
European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Festival Ljubljana, Trg francoske revolucije 1 +
The European Council of Artists (ECA) has not been active since 2014. +
The European Council of Artists (ECA) has not been active since 2014. +
+386 / 1 241 6000 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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