Chamber of Culture of Slovenia



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Kulturniška zbornica Slovenije
Gornji trg 16, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 6600

The Chamber of Culture of Slovenia was founded in 1994 in line with the Act on the Fulfilment of Public Interest in the Field of Culture. It is a voluntary organisation of national professional associations and open to any interested registered cultural organisation or individuals working the field of arts and culture.

According to the Act, its tasks should include monitoring and evaluating the effect of cultural policy on cultural development, forming opinions on the national programme for culture and annual reports on its implementation, discussing legislation proposals related to culture, giving proposals for cultural issues mediation, proposing board members of public state institutions, making recommendations to freelance artists applying for state social insurance support, offering professional support to its members, and informing the relevant bodies of law infringements in the sphere of culture.

The Chamber is funded mainly from its membership, but some of its programmes are co-funded by the Ministry of Culture. A thorough restructuring of the Chamber of Culture is planned for 2011.

The Cultural Chamber is the main contact body in Slovenia for the European Council of Artists, providing the secretariat for the European Council of Artists (ECA), Slovenia.

See also

External links

Kulturniška zbornica Slovenije +
Kulturniška zbornica Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gornji trg 16 +
The Chamber of Culture of Slovenia was founded in 1994 in line with the Act on the Fulfilment of Public Interest in the Field of Culture. +
The Chamber of Culture of Slovenia was founded in 1994 in line with the Act on the Fulfilment of Public Interest in the Field of Culture. +
+386 / 1 241 6600 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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