Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists


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Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije (ZDUS)
Cankarjeva 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 70 844 350

The Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists is a voluntary non-profit organisation of Slovene professional drama artists which aims to stimulate the quality and development of theatre culture and dramatic art. It monitors legislation in the field of culture, proposes new regulations, gives recommendations for awards and posts, fosters exchange of professionals, undertakes educational projects, and engages in international collaboration. The association cooperates with the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and is a member of the International Federation of Actors (FIA).

Every year, the association confers 2 awards, namely the Marija Vera Award for life achievement in drama acting and 2 Special Mentions of Slovene Drama Artists Association.

See also

External links

Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije (ZDUS) +
Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije (ZDUS) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Cankarjeva 11 +
The Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists is a voluntary non-profit organisation of Slovene professional drama artists which aims to stimulate the quality and development of theatre culture and dramatic art. +
The Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists is a voluntary non-profit organisation of Slovene professional drama artists which aims to stimulate the quality and development of theatre culture and dramatic art. +
+386 / 70 844 350 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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